[@twannyman][hider=taste]The voice merely giggled at his outburst but fell silent all the same. Then in the flicker of one moment to the next, Gabanre felt the distinctive taste of blood well up in his mouth, as though he had cut himself on something. Nothing was in his mouth however, except the strange and slightly disconcerting taste that refused to go away no matter what he did.[/hider] [@Aisling][hider=Sight]The clawing hands vanished, but something arguably far worse came next. She saw the source. Bodies lay sprawled about the cave, flames ravaging their flesh and what bright colored clothing that remained, marking them as gypsies. The hands still grasped for help, but they simply passed through her flesh without any noticeably effect. Their mouths were open in silent screams, begging for help. Flames raged all around but she couldn't feel them, only watch helplessly as the things that used to be people slowly burned to ash.[/hider] [@Carlsberg][hider=End]As fast as it came, the presence vanished. Nothing was there. In fact Jen might feel quite silly now, since it was obvious she was alone in the cave. She could even see some light from the end of the cave, just around the corner. It looked like she was finished traversing the cave.[/hider]