Cassandra continued to watch the ohters, listening as Riley began to explain what was going to the newcomers, glancing about them every so often. She frowned as Riley continued to speak, hearing something. Just a sound over the wind, most likely carried over the water, or echoing through the woods. LIke a voice carried, falling fainter and fainter, over the wind. Without a word, Cassandra turned to where she caught the sound, and glancing back at the others, she hesitated, but then began to follow the sound. Having been stuck in the car, in the accident, Cassandra knew how sound could travel, knowing how her softening cries had brought someone, finally, running. It could be nothing, she knew, but why not check it out? She followed the continuing sounds, and as they got stronger, knew that it wasn't nothing. Eventually, as she could finally make out the words, she recognised Billy's voice. She got stuck for a moment, as the sound seemed to echo all over the place, eventually finding the ravine, she looked down, searching. She saw, after some study, the path of destruction that generally meant something had careened over the land. She hesitated again, glancing about. Could she leave and come back with someone else, to help? But what if something happened to billy? She could climb down, find Billy, make sure he was okay, climb back up, hopefully with Billy, but without him she could go get the others. She decided that's what she would do, so she began to carefully make her way down, calling out [color=f6989d]"Billy? It's Cassandra, I'm coming down"[/color] Her heart in her throat, she made her way down, using trees and anything else that she could to keep her balance and prevent herself from falling down. She followed the path of Billy's fall, [color=f6989d]"Don't pass out on me or anything, I'm not strong enough to carry your dead weight!"[/color] She was merely calling out to give Billy something to focus on if he was hurt, which from the sounds of things, he was.