[center]|~17:08-17:36 GST~| |~Nazca, Prison Complex~|[/center] For the first time in a while after the events of Nar Shadda, and if you ignored the constant pain and weakness she was in, Nazca felt content. Well, not precisely content. But happier than she had in a while. The Sith, having not taken or shown up for a while now, seemed to be occupied with other goals and weren't bothering her or those in the prison cell. She feeling minutely better and was able to actually shuffle her own way to where she, Koren, and Xid had been seated. She was beginning to understand the 'Force' and how to use it (whether or not it was how Koren would like her to use it is an entirely separate matter). They were steadily beginning to prepare the escape plan, even though Nazca had yet to tell them that she wouldn't be participating in it. She doubted she would survive without Nyiss to monitor her vitals and ensure that whatever she did wouldn't go bad or kill her. Granted, her chances of survival were slim anyways, but at least they were higher with the Red Skinned Bitch than without. Still. Things, for the moment, were peaceful. So of course, the Sith walked in and ruined everything. First he came for Xid. Nazca, slower than everyone else, clambered to her feet. By that time, Koren had already volunteered himself as the Medic began to have Xid put in the apparently fixed Kolto Tank. "You Sith are all the same. Hut'uuns. Cowards. Only going for the weakest. Don't have the guts to go for the strongest. Hut'uun. Piece of Gunsos. Your nothing more than Nyiss's jendoslu." She smirked at Corr. "Tell me, you red skinned whore, how does it feel spending every moment trying to get the favor of a person who doesn't even think more of you than a speck of dirt? We're more valuable to her than you."