Disgust crept across Orias' face as he heard the girls mentor comfort her. "I thought Jedi were supposed to have no emotional bonds. Dammit, no wonder Lord Vader nearly wiped you out... I could have done it if you are going to treat them like that. Give them a pat on the head, a cookie and say "You'll do better next time" You should kick her ass, tell her that she messed up and make sure that she doesn't make the same mistake twice." As the shuttle came in for a landing on one of the landing pads. The ramp descended and Orias slowly walked towards it. He then looked at Eevy "When you go after one such as I, remember one thing... You cannot try to uphold the law. A wise man once said. 'Do, or do not. There is no try.'" he said. The guard handed him his lightsaber back to him, he bowed to the guard before leaving. The man was thoroughly confused, he had never heard of Sith having any form of manners before.