Nori, seated on the closed toilet seat, watched in amusement as Kyle fussed over the band-aid as if he was creating a master painting instead of patching up a small cut on her finger. The whole scene was made even funnier by the fact that Kyle was the one that looked like he had just gone five rounds for the UFC championship and yet here they were bandaging her boo-boo. “Am I gonna make it, doc?” Nori asked a little facetiously, flashing the American a small little half smile. With him kneeling in front of her they were finally the same size, which was a bit of a novelty, considering he was a giant and she was a dwarf. "Sorry again...for all that...Are you going to be alright? I didn't get you fired did I?" Kyle asks, remorse easily heard in his voice. He was still holding the hand that he’d just doctored, so Nori gives it a little squeeze. After all, he’d already apologized, there was no need to make him feel bad about it again. “Yeah, it’s okay. I was really worried about this stupid, crazy expensive tulip that we were cultivating for a buyer that I accidently butchered when I heard you guys fighting. I thought I was going to have to pay for it, but the owners were really sweet about it,” Nori explains, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. “I didn’t tell them about the fight, and I don’t plan to. They’re nice people, but I don’t want to push my luck,” she admits with a little shrug. “…there is something else going on that you should know about,” Nori says in a more serious tone after a bit of a pause. “There might be…erm, what I mean to say is….I…um, there could be a mu-murderer stalking me,” the DJ finally spits out and it sounds ludicrous to even her. “When I came out this morning, the word, ‘Tomorrow’ was written across my door and it sort of looked like blood. And there’s a huge chunk of the wall that got bashed in by something, we’re not 100% sure what. I’ve got a picture, actually,” Nori pauses to fish her smart phone out of her coat pocket and unlocks the home screen to show Kyle said picture so he doesn’t think she’s a lunatic and run screaming for the hills. “I called the police, but they didn’t take it very seriously. I had a bad feeling about it, so I looked up the private detective Nick mentioned on the radio yesterday. He seems to think that this might be the work of, don’t you dare laugh at me Kyle Parker, some guy called, 'The Weatherman'. He’s a serial killer who only kills on rainy days,” Nori elaborates, her face flushing at how outlandish it sounds now that she’s said it out loud. “Anyways, Detective Holland is gonna stay at my apartment tonight and try and ambush him. He told me I should let people that I’ve been hanging around with a lot know what’s up, so they can be prepared if something weird happens," she finally finishes, before quickly adding, "So, um, yeah, just don't die or anything, alright?" --- [@BeastofDestiny] [@Bozo]