As he raised an eyebrow, hidden by his crimson bangs, the young warrior turned halfway to face...Gonad...such as the brute's first person style of speech, which Ryouko concluded, made him Fancy Boy and made the brute, Gonad. He quickly deciphered the manner of speaking the brute used, as the thunder rang overhead. The Xenom parted around the brute, though still flowed steadily. "The dung hole would be inside of one of the buildings, Gonad." His voice was slightly raised, though emotionless and calm, as he glanced to the skyscraper opposite of his own. His lips quirked into a grin, as with his rather good eyesight, he saw the other figure, the timeless one. [i]'No weapon..?'[/i] He thought as he uprooted Sands, spinning the blade once in his hand, as the sand spewed forth like a geyser, like oil had been struck in a brand new well. He observed the man, his aura that radiated power causing his eyes to widen, his grin wider than before, showing that his white teeth were slightly pointed at the edges. He hadn't been a predator in the wild before he had found his father for nothing. Some meat could be very hard to tear into. The sand that flowed down the building had began to accumulate, spreading out and covering ground as the whispers of the desert filled the ears of the young lad. His eyes, though black and white, held a gaze that, if literal, could burn through titanium as he called out to the timeless one. "You seem to have arrived." And with this, his mind swimming with the whispers of the death and destruction that the Xenom wished for...that it craved... He hefted the large blade onto his shoulder with ease, in silence, as the sand washed over his body, his frame, and fell with the sound of a pounding rain upon the streets that began to fill. Waiting for a move to be made? Most definitely.