The battlefield suddenly shook. A strong, ominous wind whistled between the massive stone pillars as they coalesced into a single swirling mass atop a 30 foot pillar. The silhouette of a hulking, muscular form appeared as the gust dispersed. It was vaguely human, if one could even call such a thing human. It was bent over at first, but slowly stood upright, flexing its powerful muscles. As it did, the entire structure collapsed. The silhouette stood, unfazed by the falling tower. He stepped out of the dust in a slow, dramatic manner. In spite of having come out from a collapsed structure, he was completely clean. Pierce's body rippled with muscle. Light glistened off his shiny, sweaty exterior. He reached his hands to his face, removing his sun glasses. Unfortunately for Pierce, as he rook off his glasses, he had nothing to look at but two ugly metal mugs staring right at him. He could not stand for this. "Oh hell no." Pierce growled in a low, grumbling tone. "HEY!" Pierce shouted in a fit of rage out to the two giants. "I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE FUCK YOU CAME FROM, BUT NOW I'M HERE, SO THIS SHIT IS MINE NOW." He stuck a foot out, pumped his muscles, and posed. "HELL YEAH!" he boasted, crushing his sunglasses in one hand. The big poppa broke out of his pose and stormed toward the giants, the ground depressing with each step. "YOU TWO ARE GOING DOWN" he proclaimed.