Kyle felt a pang of guilt when she told him that because of the fight she ended up breaking some extremely valuable plant and had to lie to the owners about it. He tried to not let it show, but when the topic was changed, Kyle's followed the mood and looking at the photos that Nori showed him, he considered everything he'd just heard...very carefully. Nori was the potential target of a serial killer and potentially anyone close to her was also a target. She went to the police, but they didn't help, instead a detective is working on it and he's staying in her apartment. Though he hadn't seen either a hole or writing (for obvious reasons) he had no reason to doubt her word or the photographic evidence. She was either playing the cruelest joke ever, or she really was dealing with a very real and dangerous person; the weatherman... Though he'd only heard the rumors, the name had been dropped often enough around Kyle that he at least knew of the person, and given that Nori used his full name, she was serious about who was after her too... [color=Gold]"So, um, yeah, just don't die or anything, alright?"[/color] Still kneeling on the ground he wordlessly handed the phone back to Nori and brought his finger up to his mouth, his eyes were looking down and he went over his words in his head before speaking to Nori, his eyes still focused on the ground. [color=LimeGreen]"Ok..."[/color] he stated simply, [color=LimeGreen]" have a possible killer after you and some guy named Detective Holland is doing a stake out in your apartment tonight to catch said killer...and I am also potentially in danger too..."[/color] His brow scrunched up in concentration, it certainly sounded far fetched, but you'd have to be a seriously messed up person to lie about something like that, and call it biased opinion or what have you, but Kyle didn't think this girl was THAT fucked up. A pressing question did pop in his mind though, [color=LimeGreen]"So if this Holland guy is gonna be up in your apartment, where are you going to be?"[/color] It was probably a strange question to ask given everything she'd just said, but considering what she'd just said he'd be surprised if the guy who was trying to ambush her killer had her stay in the same apartment as her killer was most likely to go. Here was this girl telling him about someone trying to kill her and all he could think about was where she was going to sleep for the night, he mused. He finally looked up into her eyes, she probably had friends she could stay with, like Jenny, but he couldn't assume that, plus she'd been working since this morning, who knew if she even had time to find a place to what if he...? Kyle blushed a bit, but he asked her a follow up question, [color=LimeGreen]" don't have a place to spend the door is open..."[/color] [@Narcotic Dollie]