A voice was heard soft in Megumi's ear, [color=0054a6][b]"Shouldn't make promises you can't keep."[/b][/color] She'd feel the point of a knife gently pressing her damaged ribs. Then there was hearty laughter, and the knife point pulled away, [color=0054a6][b]"You still could step more silently, I heard you two floors up, but that is good enough for these brutes. At least when you're forced to think on your feet, you're not totally hopeless." [/b][/color] He walked around her casually, strolling along the spine of the roof as if it were a park, [color=0054a6][b]"We won't speak again for a long time, but should you be successful at your mission, you'll find this healer you seek, as my Oath swore." [/b][/color] With that he walked away into the night, seemingly not having paid up on his end of the bargain. If she chased after him, it would be the easiest thing in the world for him to disappear without a trace. If she checked her new coin purse, she'd find that sometime the coppers had been replaced by the firecrackers she'd requested and bluish-silver coin with a man's smiling face on one side and a shadow version of him frowning on the other. It was not one of the Knight crafted coins, and had quite a bit of heft to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The 6th Stretch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The convoy pulled out of a side road at the back of the Depot. At its front was four knights on horse back, followed by three covered wagons, all with a driver and another knight as a passenger, followed by four more knights on horseback. It moved slowly through the village, attracting a lot of attention from shopkeepers and others that were beginning their workdays. As it exited, it followed the main road along the river, and the four front horsemen broke away, fanning out ahead to serve as forward scouts. Of the back four, two stay back as the caravan moved, as rear scouts, while the other two stayed with the caravan as protectors.