[@MyCatGinger] "You'll catch a cold out here in the rain like this." Ryoki looks up at the man who had come before her: Shou Matsuoka. He stood in front of her, umbrella raised above her head, stopping the rain that had previously been trickling down the back of her head from reaching her at the expense of keeping himself out of the rain. It was like something straight out of an anime Ryoki once saw, though she couldn't quite place where from, exactly. All she knew was that the man who she'd sexually harassed the previous night had remarkably come to her aid - someone who may very well want nothing else to do with her was lending her his umbrella, holding it above her own, keeping her out of the rain completely. It was through this act of kindness that Ryoki began to cry again... ... Though she certainly wasn't ready to hear what he had to say next... "Miss Mochizukki, I would be hard-pressed to forget a face as lovely as yours, even here in the misty rain. Forgive me; I happened to follow you here... because I thought I recognised you, and wanted to apologise for my behaviour last night. I'm lucky to have bumped into you, perhaps more like made it so, today." [i]'W...what..?'[/i] She thought to herself. He... remembered her? And, more importantly, he was apologising? As he extended his hand out ot her, she was reluctant to take it. If she took his hand, what would happen? Would he end up yet another headline on the news for her to weep and cry over? Or would he persevere, and put an end to the curse she bore? An infinite number of thoughts encircle her mind as she hesitates in taking his hand. [i]'Breath, Ryoki... Just breath... and do what feels right...'[/i] She took his hand and felt herself being pulled to her feet. He was gentle, making sure to give her quivering knees enough time to get their bearings and grow accustomed to standing. [i]'No...'[/i] She thought suddenly, expression turning dark for a moment. [i]'I-I've made a mistake... P-please, let go...! You need to let go...! Shou, you-'[/i] "And I noticed you seemed...melancholy. A muse in the pouring rain, sitting alone by the trees." She gasps. [i]'N-no... How... why is he so kind...? I don't deserve it - I don't deserve this!'[/i] But Ryoki couldn't help but feel more inclined to seek help, even if it were undeserving in her mind. She was so hurt, she just needed something, anything to distract her from the feelings that stirred inside her. Thankfully, Shou's word proved to be an amazing distraction. "And if there is anything at all that I can do to make your rainy day a little brighter..." He bowed a little - something she hadn't expected in the least. "...I'm quite prepared to dedicate a portion of this Sunday to doing just that." His voice was like that of a master poet. She felt like she couldn't comprehend him at all, however... "Ryoki." ... However, at the mention of her name, she seemingly understood what he meant. He wanted to [i]help[/i] her. He wanted to [i]be with[/i] her. He was willing to sacrifice some of his time to make her day just a little brighter. And that, despite the tears, made Ryoki smile just a little. "I-I'm OK," she answers, rubbing her hands together and breathing into them, "I'm OK... I'm just a bit shaken up, that's all... My friend's brother got into a crash today, s-so I'm a little shaken up. I'll be okay, I just need a moment..." Ryoki took several deep breaths and cleared her mind. "Th-thank you, S-Shou, for... t-talking with me. I-I think... I think I'm OK now..." Though she was still looking on the verge of tears, she was definitely better; she could recover on her own now... Though, it appears as though a new face was making his presence known, as he headed towards the two. Ryoki was still sad, but she wasn't a wreck now. She could keep herself out of the rain with her own umbrella, now. And as Shou's stomach rumbles, she pushes his umbrella back to him, keeping him out of the rain, giggling slightly. "S-sorry, but I-I've already had lunch... I'm not very hungry..." She smiles up at him as she looks over at the man who was headed towards the two. "I-I think we've got company..." She says, before turning back to face Shou once more, staring into his eyes. "Thank you, Shou... Maybe tomorrow, when I'm n-not so depressing, and we can actually have some fun..." She stuffs a note into his pocket. "Contact details..." She smirks. Her eyes were filled with hope - she wanted him to play along. It was like she were pleading with him. "P-please, if you're free, gimme a call... If we did anything today, the mood would kill it, so..." She trails off, not quite sure what to say. "I'll see you tomorrow..." She felt even more sad after saying that, but wasn't but to let it show, at least not for Shou. She wasn't about to ruin his day with this. After all, he'd done so much already, just by speaking to her. It was the least she could do. [i]'Thank you, Shou... Thank you so, so much...!'[/i]