[center][color=violet][b]Sienna Rodriguez[/b][/color] [b]Great Hall/Charms Class[/b] [color=violet]***[/color][/center] [@AbysmalDemon] [@HushedWhispers] [hr] Sienna watched bemusedly as Callum chowed down on Yorkshire puddings and grudgingly offered the platter to the pleading first year kids. She shook her head when he held one out to her; she was fine with what she was working on eating. [color=violet]"My summer was... fine,"[/color] she said vaguely. [color=violet]"I moved out. For good. And yeah, I got a few new piercings."[/color] Sienna smiled at the young girls who didn't seem quite so scared of her anymore now that they had Yorkshire puddings on their plates. [color=violet]"Things look like they're going well with Demi,"[/color] she observed. Sienna and Cal finished up the rest of their meal, chatting amicably all the while. [hr] Sienna walked down the halls alone, passing gaggles of girls who were giggling about who would be taking them to the ball this year. Sienna personally hadn't given much thought to it- it wasn't exactly the first priority on her mind. She'd make herself go, though- with or without a date. It would be good for her. She waved at Callum after passing him in the hall, and headed into her first class: Charms with Professor Sims. It was her first class of the day, and today Ravenclaw and Slytherin seventh years had this class together. Sienna took a seat diagonally in front of a Slytherin boy whose name was something like Sebastian or Simon. He was leaning against the back wall with his feet propped on the desk in front of him, looking like this was the last place on Earth he wanted to be. Sienna actually liked Charms class, though. She rummaged in her bag and got out her copy of The Standard Book of Spells Grade 7; flipping through it until she reached the charm they would be working on today.