Hey, I didn't say it was smart, just that I can see the angle they were going for. Ah, and that's how you view her. I see it more as the Chozo taught her their ways, and she had to stumble on her own to learn the GF ways, so she kinda just says (lol) fuck it, I'm not gonna say anything. They can figure it out from there. She had zero friends until Adam, Ian, and... that black dude (Who I thought was pretty cool). Adam became her third father in a sense, and I think that argument over Ian's death hit her really hard. Hell she wasn't even 18 yet. In her mind she lost her real parents, then Old Bird (Father #2) as well as the entire people she grew up with (and later had to annihilate the whole fucking planet she was raised on), and now Ian (who MIGHT have been her boyfriend, I'm reluctant to admit it, but it IS possible) AND Adam. Her whole lone wolf thing comes from the fact that everyone she comes across goes away. Why bother? And I know that because I had that mindset for a long time. That also explains her attachment to the Baby Metroid. By now she's matured, reflected, and, most likely, regretted her past actions toward Adam, and seeing the baby (alone survivor of a now extinct race, with no one to help) she probably saw herself. So it hurt even MORE when it was killed (by that point Sammy probably felt like a Mother too) and those feelings of loss that made her a lone wolf came back HARD. Hence her behavior in Other M. She doesn't want to lose anyone else, has a chance to make things up to Adam, and is constantly remembering the baby, like a grieving Mother. Also I think she had PTSD from the attack as a child, and her unstable mental condition (by now she's running of muscle memory) leads to her freezing when Ridley attacks. With Prime no longer canon, she thought that fucker dead for sure, and yet, POOF! Here he is! Also she may have WANTED to die for a bit there. All this eventually culminated in her mental breakdown when Adam died. She latched on to her mission as a way to cope, finally letting go when she went back and got his helmet, allowing her to return to who she is in time for fusion. Basically, they picked the wrong damn time in her life to show off her personality. And if you don't think she's mental... ask this. Why is she talking to herself like someone's there? I maintain that under all that, she just needs a hug... I'm available at your convenience, Sammy. When they say fully-voiced, I think they mean Sammy herself Finally. Prime Trilogy is best, all hail Prime Trilogy.