[b]Province 7[/b] The darkness was adepting at a horrific rate. The sinkhole ambushes that had been attempted to capture and subdue had been as much a hindrance as it was a help, the new, bigger and faster beasts jumping the damn things. It was clear to those present that the old tactics were quickly being worked around and new ones had to be attempted to throw the abominations off balance. The battle wasn't a complete loss however. The bodies of the different kinds of monsters were gathered and handed over to a special forwards lab in the one properly settlement left in the province so that some of the greatest minds of Tushienia could examine and gain insight into the beasts that they had seen and come up with better ways to defend against them... And how best to kill them. .................... [b]Province 11[/b] There was a great deal of fanfare as Mr Ponders cut the ribbon to officially open the Unity Railway; spanning all of Tushienia, the rails and the stream trains that ran along them allowed for the fast and easy transportation and deployment of goods. The country itself was fit for an economic boon as trade was encouraged and jobs that would only be open to locals can be opened up to those better suited for them. It also allowed the transportation of troops at a much faster rate then before. And plans were already made for the possibility to extend the railway beyond national boarders. Only the summit would tell just how far the railway would reach through. ................... [b]Tushienia's boarders[/b] Deals had been made for the exchange of knowledge and this showed best on allied boarders. Along the Zakol boarder, engineers and inventors were introducing to their human and ogre counterparts the ideas behind the steam engine and how it could advance their kingdom while shamans learned to master the flames of fire magic. The goblin-lich herself had traveled into Andinon lands in order to instruct them in the use of the hollow shells left behind once the sacred soul had traveled out of this life and beyond the veil of death while Tushienia shamans and mages learned how to channel the wind in its simplest forms. In Duringis, scholars moved to find those members of the nation that had the gift of magic in order to teach them how to master the power of the earth while Duringis engineers revealed the secret of how to achieve flight to Tushienia's own experts. [hider=Actions] Awaiting the results of the summit. Recruitment: Province 7: 1 x heavy infantry Province 10: 1 x cannon Province 11: 1 x cannon Province 12: 1 x heavy cavalry Province 17: 1 x heavy cavalry Research: Against the Dark (Turn 1) [hider=Movement] 1 War-magi, 3 heavy infantry, 2 archers from Province 10 to Province 8 to assist their ally. 1 War-Magi, 2 archers, 5 heavy infantry from Province 11 to Province 8 to assist their ally. 1 War-magi, 2 magi, 4 heavy infantry and 1 Arquebusers from Province 12 to Province 8 to assist their ally. 10 War-Magi, 43 Magi, 7 Cannons, 12 Archers, 24 Heavy Infantry, 5 Arquebusers from Province 17 to Province 11. [/hider] Province 7 will summon 10 skeleton infantry, 10 skeleton bowmen, 5 skeleton horsemen, 2 Wrathbound heavy infantry, 3 Wrathbound cannons and 2 Wrathbound heavy cavalry. Magi users in province 8 will summon 2 skeleton infantry and 3 Raisen Magi. [/hider] [hider=Garrsons] Province 7: -6 War-Magi -25 Units of Magi -2 Cannons -2 Units Archers -3 Units of Heavy Infantry -2 Units of Arquebussers -1 Units of Light Infantry Province 8: -3 War-Magi -2 Magi -4 Archers -1 Arguebusser -12 Heavy Infantry Province 10: -1 light infantry Province 11: -10 War-Magi -43 magi -7 cannon -12 archers -24 heavy infantry -5 Arquebusers -1 light infantry Province 12: -1 light infantry Province 17: -1 light infantry Province 19: -2 War-Magi -2 Magi [/hider]