"There is one that has always stood out to me. I want her here, I wish to propose something." Alpha muttered, dismissing his messenger who bowed in respect to the command and turned high heel out of the temples Throne Room. Alpha's gaze narrowed upon the disappearing man with hateful intent. The fact that anything other than his Variations existed within the Xenom Desert made him only hungry for death. The Lord casually leaned back into his golden, jewel incrested, throne that sat subtily within the chamber whilst surrounded by large pillars of torch-lit stone within the open room. It nearly was like a maze if it were not for the singular path that lead from the throne to the sun-striken desert some twenty feet before him. Though his distaste for the mortal was quickly over come with his endearing thoughts of another, the female he had fetched his messenger for. A warrior that stood the test of time in Alpha's mind from his original attacks on the Arena, many years ago. "Tasuke..." he whispered, his dark red eyes staring down to the cracks of the ancient stone at his feet, reminiscing upon the 'fight' the two had had. Both had blades, but neither had drawn. Instead the two had seated upon a bench and merely spoke. Philosophies of different cultures passing by their lips instead of blood and it not only enlightened him, but drew something deep within SEED before his split that resonated through the original SEED down into Alpha. Respect and admiration. From the shadows, however, came a whisper that broke Alpha's sense of thoughtful admiration, "So the invasion is to begin...shall I dispath Ryouko to initiate our calling?" Alpha did not need to even acknowledge the existence of the being that spoke to know it was his right hand Variation, Beta, the Brute that had taken on a similar form and weaponry as the previous ruler of Xenom, Tetsue Yanagita. He had their shared DNA to thank. "Yes, dispatch the Bastard boy. Have him draw the desert into their world and we too shall come with it." "Yes, m'lord. And the others?" Alpha lifted his gaze up to the brightening entrance to the throne room and lifted himself up from the throne, brushing his gentle hands along his black kimono of any lingering dust before casually strolling forwards. His eyes squinted momentarily as he walked out of the throne room and was engulfed by the bright sky and over to the edge of the large Aztecian temple, staring out over the crimson dunes. The Lord inhaled deeply and was brushed upon by the winds of the desert, taking in the very essence while listening to the calls of the desert while ebony strands of silken hair danced playfully around his head. "Gather all the SEED's. We will be going in full force." ------------------------------------------------------ [b]Present Day: The Invasion[/b] Years had passed since the battle between Tetsue, the God-Killer, and the goliath beast and had left the giant city they had battled in in nothing less than ruin. Decades had gone by and the corpses of the innocent had become nothing more than fertillizer for bacteria and fungai to grow and manifest into a flourishing forest along the barren, broken streets. Skyscrapers had become habbitual zones for animals to fester and live, at least the ones that were left standing. The broken metropolis and its once thriving population was nothing more than a distant memory. Now, it had become a whole new world. But also, it held something valuable. This value could only be found, and respected, by those of the Xenom Empire. It was one of the last places Tetsue Yanagita had fought in before his fall to SEED. It was not often that anything was left to stand when the God-Killer fought, so to see anything standing is of a mighty remark to the prowess of the opponent that stood against Tetsue and his failed attempt to attack this world. Alpha was one of the few that could honor and respect this result. However he had only ever heard of fight through stories of the previous Xenom members, before they had become extinguished by SEED's new leadership. So for him to be able to see the result with his own eyes would be nothing less than a treat. Crimson sand and traveling voices wrapped around Alpha like a caccoon, forcing his eyes closed and his arms to be wrapped around his chest as he shifted through the Xenom Sands, as if he were actually apart of the deserts body itself. His speed picked up, flowing at such a rate that his body slowly began to feel like it would be ripped apart, but he did not flinch nor acknowledge the reputable pain that enthralled his figure. Instead he simply waited it out until he finally slowed to a stop. SEED had arrived. Slowly his dark, long hair punctured the surface of the shifting sands and his body soon followed with grains dripping off him like water. With second passing more of his body had revealed itself until he stood straight right infront of Ryouko, his back to the Bastard son, whom undoubtedly towered over Alpha seeing as he was a mere 6'0" tall. Alpha's eyes opened. Darkness and decrepid hate quickly filled the area as he took in the healing devestation of the city, inhaling deeply. The God-Killers scent still remained and it filled his core with absolution, needing to fill it with death. "Your father was here, I see." Alpha whispered, his crimson gaze shifting about, practically ignoring the others who stood around the two Xenom Warriors. He then turned around to look up at the Bastard and clenched his teeth, holding back what it is he truly wanted to say...or do to the boy. "Make sure you do not fail here like your father did. I do not know if he won or lost the fight here, but seeing as this place is not conquered land of Xenom he certainly did not succeed in his own invasion." he snapped, prodding an extended finger against the Boy's chest. Alpha then casually looked around, glancing at the two others that apparently had anticipated the invasion. "Why are there people here, already? Ryouko?" he growled, figuring perhaps a spy had unvealed their plans. [i]Was it Tasuke? Did she lie about her bought allegience?[/i] He thought cautiously. "Forget it, keep the Sands open for the rest to come through. I have brought all 9 of the Variations with me and are within the Sand Stream, they will be here shortly." With that in mind the Lord slapped his hands together and immediately the stench of copper populated the air around the skyscraper, becoming a dense rough smell that seemed to originate from Alpha. "I shall help protect the Sand Stream until Beta and the rest can completely come through. It is time, Ryouko. Make sure my decision to keep you alive was not a mistake, or end up like your pathetic Father." he threatened. The Invasion had finally begun.