[center][i]Non scholae, sed vitae discimus[/i] --- [b][u]Monday[/b][/u][/center] --- [i]Welcome back to Caelbury for those of you returning, and welcome as well, to those who are new! I hope you had a wonderful summer! Be sure to tell me about it later, okay? Another school year is about to begin, and I can't wait to get to know each and every one of you. Okay, now getting into business... Since you're reading this now, you've probably already got the key to your dorm. Make sure that everything is in order before you settle in, I checked the rooms over, but I could have missed something. Also, be nice to your roommate! You guys are going to be best friends. However, if there are any serious issues regarding the room, or your roommate, please be sure to let either the Principal, Mr. Aldrin, the Vice Principal, Mr. Hawthorne, or one of the Student Council members immediately. Hopefully, there won't be any major problems, but you never know. If you can't locate any one of us, please just leave us a quick note in the Student Council room in the main building (Room 2301). Okay, so now that the boring stuff is out of the way... Caelbury Academy will be having our annual pre-school picnic on Sunday! The teachers will be there, most of the students will be there, and there will be a lot of great food. We will be having a barbeque, there will be games, and just plain hanging out before school starts. (Don't tell the teachers, but there will be a dunk tank!!). It would also be great if you could bring your own food to share with everyone, it doesn't matter if it's homemade or store bought. It's going to be super fun, and everyone will be so sad if you're not there! Okay, that's it for now. Come see me if you have any questions, my dorm room is 286. Looking forward to a great year with you, and hope to see you around! Acacia Hawthorne Student Council President --- [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Acacia%20Hawthorne&name=JennaSue.ttf&size=40&style_color=439FE6[/img] "The most difficult part of attaining perfection is finding something to do for an encore."[/i][/center] Many students are upset as they realize that the end of summer vacation is nigh. Not Acacia. Being at school granted her an escape from the stifling environment that the Hawthorne family lived in. She was always watched, by her parents, by the media, by the various maids and servants that worked at their home... Summer wasn't a season that Acacia looked forward to, and she was only too happy that the transition towards Autumn was beginning. The school years granted her a much needed respite from the watching eyes of her parents and the rest of the world, and although she's still watched by her peers, the scale is completely different. There was so much less pressure. School gave her something to focus on, something that she could excel at. It was a safe haven for Acacia Hawthorne. She wandered through the empty hallways of the dorms, taping a piece of paper onto each door. Although it was a full week before the school year would commence, people would start trickling in soon to settle in their dorms. Acacia was the first student here, making sure that everything is in order for her fellow students. She had already peeked in all of the rooms, making sure that it was nice, and now she was putting a letter welcoming everyone to Caelbury, and a notice for the annual pre-school picnic that would take place on Sunday. The pre-school picnic was a tradition that took place every year a week before school started. The Student Council and teachers set up a picnic consisting of barbeques, sandwiches, pop, chips, and it was one of the few times that food wasn't prepared by gourmet chefs. Teachers and students alike brought store bought, or homemade food, making it into a large potluck. Although attendance isn't required, every year most of the students and teachers would make an appearance, to catch up with old friends and find new ones before the school year started. And besides, the food is pretty good, unless someone brought over burnt, homemade cookies. There were games to be played, food to be eaten, friends to be seen, and one year, there was a food fight. Point is, the picnic is fun! As soon as the last piece of paper was attached to the last door, Acacia did a quick pirouette to make sure that no rooms had been missed. Having finished her work, she went into her room to retrieve a plate of cookies she had baked earlier. Being at Caelbury Academy for three days without any of the other students was quite boring, giving Acacia ample time to simply lay around and do nothing. There was only so much preparation she needed to do, and she laid everything out into the schedule, and that left hours of free time to do nothing. So, she baked, wrote, skated... Anything to occupy her time. Carrying the cookie plate, she headed out of the dorm building, walking the short distance to the large school building. Making her way easily through the school which she had spent three years in, Acacia entered the teacher's lounge, placing the cookies onto the table. Plucking one from the plate, Acacia bit into it, sitting upon the table with her legs dangling in the air. It was a tradition, baking cookies for the teachers, and it saddened her that this would be the last time. --- [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Alli%20Kendrick&name=Simply%20Glamorous.ttf&size=40&style_color=DB4BB5[/img] [i]"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among stars"[/i][/center] Alli Kendrick. Age 24, teacher at Caelbury Academy. Who would've thought? Definitely not Alli at age 16, that's for sure. If you told her that she would be a teacher here--a [i]history[/i] teacher--she would have laughed at you, presumably drinking an alcoholic beverage at the same time. You really didn't know where life will lead you. Alli ran her finger across her desk, inspecting her finger for any accumulated dust specks. Her desk was spotless, actually her entire classroom was spotless. Of course, it was Caelbury Academy. The school was probably cleaned thoroughly during the summer. The school literally shined right now, everything was so squeaky clean. Look, The gum that students stuck to the bottom of the desks were scraped off, leaving no trace of their disgusting remains. Thank God, Alli hated accidentally touching them. Gross. And the janitors even left a vase of fresh flowers upon her desk! How nice of them. Leaning her chin on her hand, Alli looked around the classroom, feeling a slight sense of pride. She was doing something worthwhile with her life, and at times it was hard to believe. She had hit rock bottom, and managed to claw her way out of it. It was a miracle, and she was thankful for it. Now, she could make sure that people had the chance to right their own path. Well, as much as she could as a history teacher anyway. Her phone buzzed, alerting her to a text message. [i]"Alli! u have 2 come 2 the party 2nite on the beach!"[/i] With a soft smile, she typed out a quick reply to her friend without using the texting shorthand. [i]"Sorry Meg, your parties get a little wild. And I'm at work. Have fun!"[/i] Who would've guessed? Alli Kendrick, turning down a party invitation. --- [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Brenden%20Aldrin&name=ATTRACTMOREWOMEN.ttf&size=40&style_color=DE5D21[/img] [i]"Expectations hurt, always expect the unexpected, life is a surprise, live it, learn from it, never let yourself be fooled by the world."[/i][/center] Brenden was feeling nervous. Very, very nervous. It was strange, anxiety was an emotion foreign to the confident man, but the stakes were a little different. He was the principal at a school that he wouldn't have ever even dreamed of attending, it was so far out of his league. And it's not like he had earned the position either, he was just here because his friend wanted him to be his successor as the principal. Nobody had questioned the previous principal, but Brenden couldn't help but feel out of place. That doorknob probably cost more than his suit and car combined. That flower probably got more care than a flower in an old lady's garden, and that's saying [i]a lot[/i], obviously. As he looked up at the main building, he swallowed nervously, his throat feeling extremely dry. This... This was a school right? Not a castle? It was probably the most majestic building that Brenden had ever seen, and now he was running it? That's a little unbelievable. Straightening out his tie and smoothing out his crisp suit obsessively for like the 50th time now, he willed himself to step in the school. Yup, any minute now, he's going to walk forward, open the door knob and go into the school! Yeah, sometime this month would be great Brenden. Go... Now! Or now! Fine, don't go now. Jeez. Wuss. Why was he having such a hard time going into the school? He'd been in there a few times to familiarize himself with the building and teachers, so why was it so hard now? The answer was simple: Going into the building meant accepting that this was happening, shouldering the responsibility of an elite school. This was so stupid, why was he scared now? Brenden Aldrin doesn't quit, and he doesn't back out because he's scared. He's a winner. With that simple pep talk, he walked forward and opened the door.