[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/y36wrAH.png[/img] [color=mediumaquamarine][h3]Nori Hisakawa[/h3] Red Sages[/color][/center] [hr] Nori rushed past Yudai as he dealt with the first guard in front of them. He hadn't gone for an immediate killing blow, but being pinned on a spike was plenty enough for him to get by. It was rather fortunate that the other two guards seemed scared straight to hell by Seijo's spores, and he guessed that the one who actually stood up to Yudai was the only one who really gave a damn about it. Which made dealing with the other two that much easier. They had decided to huddle themselves up at the vault door as their last stand, as far away from the scary people as possible. Well, Nori didn't feel like being a damn pushover this time. He ran up to the two of them, making quick handsigns. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Water_Bowl][i]Water Release: Water Bowl![/i][/url] briefly went through his mind as he blasted the two of them with a quick burst of water. It seemed harmless enough, and the shinobi probably weren't planning on dodging a light spray, until they both stumbled, caught off-guard by the immediate follow-up of the Aquatic Bone Suffering genjutsu. It was all of the opening he needed, as he kicked one away from him and grabbed the other one by the throat, perhaps for a second, maybe two. [color=mediumaquamarine][i]Kingdom of the Eastern Seas.[/i][/color] The shinobi coughed once before collapsing, twitching and unconscious on the ground as he let go of him. The one he had kicked aside was staggering up to his feet, eyes widening at the unusual sight, distracted as Nori rushed over and stabbed him through the gut with a quickly-drawn naginata. He flung the body off of the weapon towards Seijo's side of the room. Maybe he'd even get to suffer in her spores, not that he'd be surviving a blade through the gut with numbed up muscles. [color=mediumaquamarine][b]"I'm setting up the bomb, everyone!"[/b][/color] Nori shouted, placing the bomb on the vault door and taking the steps necessary to activate it. He decided to just leave the shinobi he had knocked out with Kingdom of the Eastern Seas next to it; he'd get to have a slightly flashier death than his comrades. With the bomb up, he turned and bolted back towards Yudai; if he was still having trouble with the last shinobi, he could cut him down from behind. Not that the remaining fodder was what he was concerned about. He was far more concerned of what Seijo's definition of "contained explosion" was, and just wanted to have distance between himself and the oncoming blast. [hr] Nori almost audibly groaned. A backup door. Of course, why wouldn't there be one? It was two nearly legendary weapons of the past, one of which apparently had some latent power within it. At least it didn't seem as though this one would be taking a Senju Chakra Nuke to blow through, so it was more a matter of just how much longer it would take instead of if they could or couldn't. Seijo answered his mental question though with her plan, and gave him the new orders. Kill the backup coming in from the VTOL, grab the stuff once the second vault door was down, and get out. Basically what the mission plan was already, with a few extra bodies on top. As he stepped up behind the two jounin, he was already thinking about the possible upcoming fight, and the possibilities that could arise. [color=mediumaquamarine]"Anzai, if I have to set up [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Hiding_in_Mist_Technique]some mist[/url] to even the odds against these reinforcements, would that hinder you at all? I'll try to contain it to one section of the warehouse to avoid hindering Yudai and Lady Tametomo, but it would make me feel better to know that I'm providing an advantage to at least someone besides myself."[/color]