Drakus watched in silence, pacing side to side slowly, his cold eyes watching the redguard and her companions cut down his reanimated corpses. The recently deceased were no match for the still living, and the three young vampire hunters would undoubtedly cut them down soon enough. His intent was not to have the wights kill the three survivors, only tire them. There was a chorus of boots on stone, as from both ends of the balcony hall, vampires emerged from staircases, hissing and snarling, some brandishing weapons, others ready to cast their magicks at their opponents. The vampire lord held up both hands, signalling for the vampires to come to a halt. They had been to eager to watch the hounds tear each other apart, they could continue to watch as lesser beasts fought for their lives. One of the undead wights fell as it was cut to pieces, and Drakus raises his right hand again, reanimating two of the other fallen vampire hunters, then two more, sending them shuffling towards the still standing three.