Ka'ava gritted her teeth again. From the corner of her eye, she saw the vampire lord stop his minions from attacking. Instead, he reanimated more of her fallen comrades. Was this some kind of sick game to them? She realised that these monsters really had no respect for human life, just like their disgusting creator, Molag Bal. She did not want to be their plaything and neither did she like the fact that the vampire lord was using the corpses of her friends in such a manner. A low groaning from one of the reanimated corpses caught her attention, bringing her out of her train of thought. Ka'ava was saved from being slashed with the corpse's dagger by the Dunmer who launched a steel bolt at the undead who toppled over with one last sigh. Ka'ava's eyes widened, "Look out!" She exclaimed, but it was too late. The undead that had been creeping up on the Dunmer shoved its war axe into his Ribs. The Dunmer cried out, his face twisted in pain as he collapsed. Dead.