Hey all! Lately, I've been thinking about doing a rp based on a picture, or to be more specific, this piece of art made by Zdislav Bekinski. [Hider=This picture] [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/ossr35.jpg[/IMG][/hider] To me, it's a really nice piece of art, and I would love to do a rp based on a story inspired by it. If this seems like an interesting idea to you, then that's great! Please send me a pm to let me know and tell me what you think of when seeing the picture and I'll do the same. (Although romance is no requirement, I'd prefer to be the female in case of romance) Lastly, the boring part, here are some of my rules: [Hider=Rules] -Be at least eighteen -No godmodding -No Gary Stues -Do not take control of my character. People who do this annoy me to no end. If you absolutely need to make her do something for the sake of your post, just ask if I'm okay with it. Otherwise, just don't do it. -Make sure that I can understand what you wrote. I'm on this site to rp, not to decipher a mess of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. -Don't just stop responding. If you're no longer interested or won't be able to respond for a while, just let me know and I promise that I won't bite. -Try to post at least two decent paragraphs and we're good. -One reply a day is good to me, but multiple replies a day are wonderful. [/Hider]