One down, two to go. The vampire lord stops his pacing and takes a step toward the remaining two fighters, closing his hands into fists, releasing the corpses from his necromancy, and letting them crumble away into glowing piles of ash. He stood, watching the two, a Redguard and a Breton, neither holding ranged weapons, so he was safe at this distance, unless one of them was foolish enough to disarm themselves in throwing their melee weapons. He let them wait for a few seconds, to recover their energy, then transforms back into his humanoid form, that of the short bosmer. "We are not all beasts here... There has been enough blood wasted. Which of you is more senior in your ranks? You will remain behind for questioning. The other will be released..." The bosmer's eyes flicked from redguard to Breton slowly, and back again, waiting for an answer.