[quote=@demonspade64] Anyway I'm about to leave in a minute, i try to post when i come back. [/quote] I believe you should wait for [@TheWindel]'s reply, before you post again. Skipping people is rude and, remember, if your character is gonna engage in a long conversation with someone, do a collab (if possible), otherwise you two might get stuck, because of the two posts rule. Actually, I looked back at the IC, you can't post at all, until someone post after [@Jangel13], mind that. I don't want this to be flooded with one paragraph long back and forth bickering. Speed posting is probably my number one pet peeve, don't tick me off. Naturally, this is a remainder for everyone else, as well... [center][img]http://coversforfb.com/media/covers/thumb/Anime--Evil-smile-Rozen-Maiden--2686.jpg[/img][/center]