Nyx had been very comfortable on the chair as the others moved about to look at the area. Nyx figured she knew all of it -there wasn't much- and had it committed to memory. Or she would as time passed. Either way, it wasn't a complicated layout and she liked how big the kitchen was. Plus, it was a kitchen. A real kitchen. Nyx was going to have to study cooking and recipes now. Then some Terran named Killian sat down next to her and started to talk. She didn't mind that they were roommates, but she was suspicious of the way he talked and how easily he trusted her. She watched him for a moment, trying to decide how she felt about him. [color=00aeef]"If you don't mind, I'll call you Killian. I learned to shake hands only after I learn if a new person has a knife in their belt. Also, please call me Miles. Nyx is for close friends, and we aren't yet."[/color] Nyx replied. She hoped that he wasn't befriending her because she knew how to fix ships. A lot of pilots had tried to befriend her to try and get first priority on repairs, which meant she only accepted the gifts and didn't do much else. It was funny to tell the other pilots that she'd put them first but it was hard to decide which to fix first as she was constantly being bribed. The lie was almost guaranteed to gain more snacks and food, but one officer brought it to the attention of the captain. But now that she was a pilot, she wasn't going to accept bribes for fixing planes. She'd just be an engineer again, which was not what she wanted. No, she was Lieutenant now. [color=00aeef]"Also, I don't fix planes for bribes anymore. Or if I can help it."[/color] [@StoneWolf]