[quote=@Cherry_Shield] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB13q0cJ7xc]Everytime you post I think of this[/url] I think that's everyone. By the way I just bought a microwave egg cooker today, shit is so cash. [/quote] ~Eggs benedict is awesome. [hider=Then] [quote]A SWAT team who has defected secretly and helping the girls instead of killing them ~ Lt Dan Yeah, no. The girls kill SWAT on sight. ~Cherry Let me provide an alternative; Ex-SWAT citizen that has seen the cruelty with which the girls are handled, he gets his old gun and slowly but surely steals a full SWAT outfit. After making several edits to signify himself and non-standard-SWAT, he seeks out the girls, drops all his weapons, and negotiates the location of an old armory he knows. Would that work for Dan? Or am I missing this entirely? ~Insanities Jack[/quote] [/hider] and [hider=now][quote]I'm interested, but I'd rather play a male. Is there anyway I could play a turned Swat member or something. How helpful or likely to be involved with the girls are men? ~Rechonq I'd allow it. It'd have to be something like retired swat or police that left because they didn't sign on for the cruelty they were delivering. To be close to the girls, you'd have to have an established backstory with them (which I would permit). Someone they went to when they first got out because they felt they could trust you. If you were to have your first IC as you decided fuck the swat team I quit, then decided to scope out one of their bases you'd probably be detained and tortured, if not flat out killed. ~Cherry Haha, for some reason, my first idea was to make a masochist that enjoys their torture, until he's probably killed. Dumb/Dark idea out of the way. So would I probably have to coordinate with a girl to have combined backstories or would my backstory consist of refusing to kill a bunch of girls as they came out of the labs and helping the group right out of the getgo? Maybe shooting back at the police I just left to prove it? ~Rechonq[/quote][/hider] Also, bugger me to hell, my app wasn't archived.