[b][color=indianred][h1][center]Sulik[/center][/h1][/color][/b] The streets leading to the starport were, as expected of Nar Shaddaa, full to bursting with life. Droids, humanoids, sapients, and non-sapients alike surged in the streets, hawking their wares indiscriminately. Sulik weaved and jostled his way through the sea of bodies in front of him, and hesitantly squeezed into the main lobby of the starport. The interior of the starport was, compared to the streets outside, rather empty. Ringed with scores of ticket terminals on the interior wall and a wide variety of officially-sanctioned bars, shops, and restaurants, the room seemed more like a humble marketplace than a lobby. Sulik glanced around the lobby, searching for a relatively quiet place to sit and wait for his comrades. Though the lobby had a fantastic array of benches and seats for foreigners of all shapes and sizes, all of them were occupied by beings in various states of rest. The few seats that weren't occupied were filled in by luggage, bags of food, or unpleasantly organic residue. Not wishing to ruin his day by contracting an exotic new disease, Sulik looked to the long crescent-shape of shops and bars on the exterior wall. One name in particular drew his eye: [b]"Heckram's Wing Shack"[/b]. "Hey," Sulik said, turning to face Lucar. "Ship won't be here for few minutes. Want to eat?" Without even waiting for an answer, Sulik strode into Heckram's Wing Shack. The interior of the diner was caked in that special kind of filth only seen in places that have somehow managed to decay for decades while still undergoing regular maintenance. An enormously corpulent Grant, presumably Heckram himself, hunched over a steaming grill and attended to a variety of anonymous meats. Sulik's nostrils flared hungrily at the scent of charred flesh and offensively hot spices. Barely concealing his lust for grease and barbeque sauce, Sulik threw himself into an unoccupied stool, and caught for the attention of the waitress. "Order of Mynock Wings," Sulik said, staring into the menu like a child in a candy shop. "Kreetle Back-Bacon, and Whirlbat Nuggets. As hot as possible." Sulik looked back towards Lucar. Did people like him need to eat? He [i]looked[/i] like he could eat, but Sulik hadn't ever seen him do it. In the interest of courtesy, perhaps it would be best to buy him something. "You want anything?" Sulik said to Lucar. "Food's good here."