With the Union now completely destroyed, the islands were finally at peace once more but that would not last long and the Sawlian people knew it. The forces that were set to the capture the island landed there anyways, mainly to help keep the peace. Plus, if Pankra would declare war then a fight would break out and Sawl would win due to their Air Force. However, an Admiral was thinking by over some thing. "Sir, is something the matter?," an ensign asked, a concerned look coming to the man. "I want the fleet to move to the other side of the island, I have a feeling that the island may be a death sentence if the rumors are true," the admiral ordered, the ensign bowed and walked of to relay the orders. [hider=Garrison] Province 66 64,000 Conscript Swordsmen {64 units} 64,000 Conscript Bowmen {64 units} 6 cannons 100 Arquebusiers {4 units} 50 heavy Calvary {5 units} 1 Ironclad Province 67 63, 000 Conscript Swordsmen {63 units} 64,000 Conscript Bowmen {64 units} 6 cannons 100 Arquebusiers {4 units} 50 heavy Calvary {5 units} 107 ships {31 ship units} 20 transports {30 units} 1 Ironclad [/hider] [hider=actions] Dirigibles move from B5 to 62 3 units conscript footmen make landing at 62 5 Units Arquebusiers and 5 Units Heavy Calvary move to transports in B5 50 ships move to B4 Construction of 2 Cannon units begin, 2 Ironclads, and 2 Derigibles[/hider]