[center][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/c44ce42763517024ec40f3d55911b646/tumblr_nwobhr2zP11sy4rryo1_500.jpg[/img][/center] Hyperion could hear Miss America's heart as well as he heard her words. It beat fiercely, defying what came forth from her mouth. She was lying. Zhib-Ran hid his anger and disappointment well; only someone with his sort of...skills would be able to tell that anything was amiss. Milton offered the young heroine a smile and a nod. "Ah, well. Worth a try. Come, fly with me. I'm sure that Captain America wants to meet you in person, especially since you've chosen to accept our offer. He seemed most intrigued by you, miss." Hyperion casually stepped off the edge of the penthouse roof and took flight. He made sure to move slowly, so that the recruit could keep pace. A quiet beep in Hyperion's ear came from his communicator. He touched the device. "Go ahead." An agent began to explain. There was a change of plans, apparently. It would seem that Hawkeye's squad had gotten stuck fighting AIM and Milton was now being asked to test the Avengers team personally. The idea brought a small smirk to Zhib-Ran's face. Knowing he would need to face these humans once more in the near future, it made sense to get a feeling for their powers, skills and strategies now. If he knew how they operated, Hyperion could deal with them quite easily when the time came for his take over of earth. He thanked the operator on the other end for the information and turned to his companion to explain why they would be changing their flight course. "We will be heading for the Triskellion. Cap ordered the team to meet up there for their evaluation. Fury wanted Hawkeye's squad to test you all, but apparently he's been caught up in more important business. So the task has been regulated to me." Hyperion realized that Miss America probably had no idea who Hawkeye was and decided to elaborate for her benefit. "Hawkeye is one of SHIELD's best agents and is indisputably the best marksmen on the planet. I've seen him shoot the wings off a fly from nearly a mile away and leave it alive. The crazy part? [i]He did it with a bow."[/i] Hyperion increased his speed as they continued to fly onward. He wanted to test Miss America's powers as much as he could. He was constantly evaluating, scanning and judging everyone he came across, but this was a special case. Miss America posed a unique threat to Hyperion's plans. If she were to reveal whatever she knew of him to Fury or the Captain, Hyperion's credibility might come into question. SHIELD could retaliate before Hyperion was truly ready. That could not occur. Miss America would need to be dealt with soon. Very soon. But not now. Too much suspicion would be cast on Milton if the girl vanished under his watch. That he could not afford either. Gah, intrigue was far too complicated for Zhib-Ran's tastes. If he had his way, he'd be marching into the United Nations and ordering this disgusting planet to bend the knee. But there were beings on this planet with extraordinary abilities. If they rallied together against Hyperion, there wasn't much the would-be tyrant could do to stop them. For now, he would need to wait. Play this game of lying and infiltrating. This was always Nighthawk's cup of tea; Hyperion was more a fan of hitting things. [hr] The pair of superhumans landed right outside of the Triskellion. What was once known as Camp Leigh was now SHIELD's main base of operations. The flight had taken longer than usual, but they had arrived on schedule. The Quinjets full of SHIELD Agents were right behind them; they contained everyone found at the scene. Quentin and Kate were being brought in for questioning, while the rest had prison to look forward to. Hyperion walked towards the front door of the cylindrical building, passing by the statue of Steven Rogers, the original Captain America, as well as the flag of the United States of America that stood beside it. The front entrance was made entirely of glass. The windows allowed a clear view of the massive black eagle statue, which dominated the back of the lobby. Hyperion escorted Chavez past the main atrium and the reception and followed a weaving labyrinth of hallways and elevators until they finally arrived at a non-descript doorway. Zhib-Ran punched a couple of buttons in and the door slid open. He motioned inside with his hand. "After you." Miss America stepped inside, Hyperion following behind her. he looked at the individuals within. They were the potential Avengers recruits. The heroes who would stand between him and victory. "My name is Hyperion. I'll be evaluating your combat skills and your ability to work as a team. Your first test starts...now." Hyperion's eyes lit up crimson and a pair of continuous beams of energy shot out from his retinas, heading right for Miss America.