Drowned out were the words of the goliath as Tetsue remained laying still. Though he was not dead, his breathing being an obvious sign of his vitality, he seemingly teetered in and out of consciousness. The sound of the other Baron jogging over shook the ground slightly, vibrating Tetsue and his face with the pavement. More words. More gloating, despite the apparent respect being given. None of his words were heard. Instead, slowly the Mokushian lazily, very lazily lifted himself up onto his hands and knees, his head hanging low. Every muscle in his body on the verge of simply giving up while his bones...well he didn't even know if had a single one left in tact. But still, he continued to rise until he was upon his feet, but nearly falling over as balance left him for a moment. Slowly he turned to face the two giants, his head remaining down with the strands of crimson hiding his face. "Your conquest is mine no-" "You know...releasing such pent up anger...it really helps one...focus." the Lord rudely interrupted, swaying back and forth, his arms limp and slumped over. "It really...sharpens ones senses...and gives...true clarity. I recommend it..." he lastly whispered, raising his head so that a single eye could peer through his crimson curtains. The schelra had darkened to pure ebony while a subtle haze seemed to fall over the eye while the pupil was consumed entirely by the crimson iris. The Yuuseigan. "You see...in your ignorance...you failed..." he said, his breathing uncontrollable, and yet still no emotions or sense of anything arose from him, "...to see something..." he said, slowly walking towards the Baron's. "I've been tricking you for a while, Baron." the Lord couldn't help but grin at this point. "For a while now I've been using my anger...to fool you and your apparent strength." he said softly, close enough to extend a finger and prod the mans chest. "Yes, you. And your strength." he then turned his gaze to the second, the one holding his God-Eater. "For a while now...you've been fooled. Did you never stop and wonder why...although I can seemingly increase my strength...and force with ease...I could never over come you?" his eye wandered back and forth between the two as his grin grew even more. "It's because...I kept matching myself with your force, and then you would match mine. But yet...we have yet to be able to truly show who is more powerful." The Lord then looked to the sky and broughtt his finger up to tap his chin thoughtfully. "You've...been in my bubble. For a while now. My Yuuseigan's Force Manipulative Bubble. The two of us. It passes kinetic force...and energy back and forth between whatever is within its grasp...never letting one get an advantage over the other..." The sounds of buildings crying as glass began shattering all around them. It seemed after some distance Tetsue's pressure was still going, still altering the physics around them. And yet, where they stood everything was unaffected. "And now that I have your second Goliath within my bubble..." Tetsue then turned his gaze upon the one holding his sword. "There is nothing you can do to run. For I am able to control Kinetic Energy. I can lower my force so low that you will feel impotent while within my bubble. Your hits will feel like cheese stroking a cheek...your speed will become slower than an ants, so long as I stand still that is." He grinned even more deviously. "So you have two options here...Baron. You give me back my God-Eater and I will let you live. Or I will show you what being powerless truly feels like, for as long as you are within range of my little play bubble..." his voice got as low as it could, his eyes narrowing in on the Baron's face. "...I am God." He then extended his hand out towards the one with his sword, though locking eyes with the breaking Baron.