A tour was being given in the House of Ravnos, for it was only just last week a ceremony was held for the advancement of two Aspirants. They were red-haired, freckle faced, males. The cutest of twins. They had converted into Novices and could now share a "behind the bookcase" room. Aspirants of Ravnos' usually slept in the basement where there were cots and bare essentials like a journal to put their thoughts in. There was no room for barracks outside the building (the nest resided in an extremely busy area). Plus, Elder Ravnos preferred to be hidden in plain sight, which is why he chose his nest to be near the Clock Tower. The Grand Maester was "close friends" to Madame Fortworth, who owned St. Catherine's Apothecary for Pharmacy, so it was only natural to build his establishment upstairs, where an old library was kept. [color=fff79a]"Alright, this way is the West Wing, and here is the door that leads to the attic. That's off-limits. Whatever you do, don't go up there. You're going to be scarred for the rest of your life and I don't want to be responsible for your tears. There's a reason why our Maester's study is in the East Wing... far, far away from here. Unfortunately, you'll be sleeping behind the horror books right here..."[/color] the tall, dark-haired Enforcer apologized, giving an expression of pity. Not understanding why the Enforcer was giving them that look, the twins watched him pull the novel, The Invisible Man, and the bookcase shifted to the right, revealing a small, simple bedroom. Both the Novices didn't take the time to observe their bedroom, though they were quite amazed at the layout of the House. The room had a bunk bed, two desks with chairs, a wardrobe to share, two bookshelves, and a request slip (to ask for necessities). The smaller sized twin boy, filled with curiosity, brought the conversation back to the attic. Turning around to see the Enforcer, he narrowed his eyes, [color=fdc68a]"What's in the attic?"[/color] Silence filled the corridor. Hesitant to answer, the Enforcer remembered when he was in their shoes... and how he regretted the moment he asked. His eyes shifted to the left and then to the right, there was no one in sight. Was it safe to tell? Not feeling a presence behind them, the twins waited patiently for the Enforcer to reply. Did the attic hold secrets? Was it debauchery? Was it MURDER? Questions flowed in the young minds of the House. Before the Enforcer could answer, a honeyed voice whispered, [color=39b54a]"Me."[/color] Both Novices realized there was a female head between them smelling their hair. They jumped in unison and grabbed hold of the Enforcer, one letting out a light 'yelp'. This woman stood at 5'6", had piercing, jade colored eyes, and extravagantly, lengthy maroon hair. Her body was a nice, hourglass shape, full in all the right places. She wore a long black and lavender dress and diamond accessories to compliment her fair skin. Her presence was mysterious and kind of foreboding. Prowling closer to the fresh meat, the lady observed her new prey, [color=39b54a]"I left buuks on yourrr bed"[/color]. She had a strong accent which was a cross between German and another language the twins couldn't pin out. Passing them, leaving her alluring scent behind, she took her long, painted black nails and clawed the attic door, causing a nasty screech to enter their ears, [color=39b54a]"These is mein place"[/color]. Kneeling over, revealing lovely cleavage, she brought her nails to the cheeks of the tiny twin that asked the question and gently ran it down his cheek. She stared at him darkly. With clear English, she flatly said, [color=39b54a]"Go up there, I'll kill you."[/color] That was probably one of the few phrases she had mastered to say without her accent. The vampriress sauntered off. Opening his mouth to explain, the Enforcer was interrupted again by another figure, which too came out of the twins' room. The figure was a older, quite thinner male vampire, with grotesque skin, greasy hair, and sharp fangs. His eyes were completely diluted, as he gravelly cautioned with his Flemish accent, [color=a0410d]"That is Magdalena. She high in house, you lov[/color] (low) [color=a0410d]. Ik ben Greg[/color] (I am Greg). [color=a0410d] Ve do science upstairs. Sometimes ve loud."[/color] He paused and gave a freakishly wide grin, [color=a0410d]"Ik go nov. Tot later"[/color] (I go now. Until later). Dismissing himself, the servant named Greg trod onward, following his true master. His appearance kind of resembled that of an imp-like creature from children stories. The twins were sweating now as they stared at the Enforcer who didn't know what to say. [hr]Magdalena, or Lena for short, one of the Guardians of the House of Ravnos, slowly approached the main lobby. She was known for her silent walking. Books were simply everywhere. Young vampires could never possibly get bored because they were surrounded by so much material. From a distance, she could see her precious toy, the lovely Lyla, reading a scroll left from their Maester ever so closely. Oh how delightful. This morning was turning out to be quite wonderful. Letting her hands wrap around the girl like a lover would do, she teased, [color=39b54a]"Little girl is skinny today."[/color] ~ [Shout collab with [@Viciousmarrow]] Lyla let out a squeaky yelp, fear gripping her with the intensity of a crashing boulder. She immediately squirmed her way out of the grip, but her body barreled straight into another. Panic subsided when her mind registered the voice of Magdalena, her constant tormentor, and the grotesque hands of the abominable Greg. [color=fff200]"P-please let me be..."[/color] she muttered, her head tilting downwards to stare at the floor. [color=39b54a]"Little girl needs new wardrobe."[/color] The older woman commented on how Lyla seemed to wear the same clothes everyday. Lyla didn't bother to get out of Greg's grip knowing very well his strength surpassed hers. Praying for someone to save her, she watched as Lena read the scroll. [color=a0410d]"Ve go?"[/color] Greg caught his Mistress no longer reading the letter. Turning around, she nodded, [color=39b54a]"Yes. Guud fresh airrr outside. We take little girl."[/color] The dominant woman took it upon herself to drag the dhampir with her. A good stroll would help them all gain inspiration. Leaving the building, they walked around the streets of London.