Alban watched as his little girl apologized to the woman, who gladly took her rabbit back and waived off the incident. Lucille sighed and started back towards her father, but, suddenly, Shizuka appeared with an icy gel pack and placed it upon his daughter's head. With soothing words, Al watched as this waitress perked the depressed girl up, and in moments, Lucille was back to smiling, beaming intensely at Shizuka while she kept the ice pack to her head. He was quite impressed with how she handled the situation. When Lucille got hurt or sad, it was often hard for her to get out of that state, yet the dark haired woman had done it with ease. Shizuka turned to him and bowed diligently, much to Al's surprise. [color=a187be]"I'm so sorry your daughter got hurt, it should never have happened. I should have been more vigilant. I promise it won't happen again."[/color] she apologized to him. [color=6ecff6]"Hey, it's not your fault. She's a scamp. Seriously though, thank you. You've been amazing today. It usually takes her an hour to stop moping around, but now she's all smiles."[/color] Alban responded to her, flashing the waitress a smile of his own. [color=f49ac2]"Daddy, you should do something for her! Take her out! I really, really like her!"[/color] Lucille immediately interjects. A look of surprise flashes onto his face and a tinge of red splashes onto his cheeks. Awkwardly, he rubs the back of his head before looking down at his now happy girl and then at Shizuka, contemplating for a moment. He hadn't gone out with anyone other than his parents or daughter in a long time. Maybe it would be a nice change of pace? [color=6ecff6]"Well, if you're up for it, I suppose we can do something tonight. I mean, if you really want to."[/color] Alban pulls out a pen and jots down his name and phone number on a nearby napkin. With a kind gaze, he turns to Shizuka and hands it to her. [color=6ecff6]"Here. I understand if you have plans or something tonight, and I know it's kind of short notice, but I would like to show my gratitude. Call me when you get off work, and maybe we can set something up? ..Oh, and I don't think I've introduced myself. I'm Alban. You can call me Al, if you'd like."[/color] he voices, a hint of both excitement and nervousness in his voice. While her father chats with the very beautiful lady, Lucy's eyes turn toward the pink haired woman sitting with a blonde man. A signal goes off in her head, and she immediately recognizes the woman. Her deep blue eyes widen, an expression of stupefaction scrawls onto her face, and all she can do is stare while disbelief wells inside her tiny body. [@Stern Algorithm] [@lovely complex]