[quote=@Chicogal] "No, but I learned Japanese at school and university back in Denmark," he explained. "I'd always been fascinated with Japanese culture, and had wanted to visit. It's the sort of thing that's hard to explain." Shrugging, he took another sip of his coffee. "I'm working as a waiter at the Danish restaurant down the street. It's the only one in town. Do you know it?" [/quote] [color=ed145b]"If I said no, would that upset you?"[/color] Amity looked at Copen with curiosity and eagerness in her ice eyes. Though she always knew Kyle resided in this city, it was never a place she was scheduled to visit. She'd visit Tokyo, Yokohomo, Osaka, and other major cities of Japan, but never Shine City. Amity made it a priority to always send a postcard to her friend and add a little humor on the back of it. One of Amity's worries was losing the only true friend she's ever had, outside of her little family (ie. Liam, Luke, Renee). She knew she wasn't the best at making friends... though the young idol didn't know if it was because she pushed them away or that she hated a lot of people with a burning passion. The young woman sighed with the thought of her lack of choice when it came to her career. She thought back at the pact she made with Kyle, promising him when she could, she would come and visit. And now here she was, at the Shining Kettle, in Shine City, talking to a handsome, random stranger. Amity never breaks promises. There was admiration building up in Amity for Copen's interests. If only she could tell him she too had a similar experience like him..."Oh yes, I went to Uni too! It was great!" she thought to herself. The only time she truly went to actual school was in highschool. Before then, she was home schooled. Most of her childhood, the starlet took it upon herself to teach herself as many languages as she could and other fun subjects like Philosophy. This was only possible when she had spare time though. [color=ed145b]"I'd like to try the food. Mind if I come by tomorrow for supper? Do you work tomorrow night?"[/color] She tilted her head, her smile never wavering. She didn't realize that she was also absentmindedly drinking her frap throughout this entire conversation, she was already way past halfway with her ungodly drink. She continued, [color=ed145b]"Unfortunately I can't come tonight... I have..."[/color] Hesitant to tell him that she was going to be at the casino performing in place of her mother, her honey-coated voice said in a puzzling manner, [color=ed145b]"Engagements tonight."[/color] Glancing to the table over, she saw the other blonde man write his number on a napkin. [color=ed145b]"Oh! I should do that too!"[/color] Amity exclaimed. With her pencil that was rested on the table, she quickly scribbled a number down, [color=ed145b]"This is my secondary phone. I have two phones for personal..."[/color] Amity's voice trailed off when she noticed the same little girl, who caused a little scene, staring at her with an awe-struck expression. Narrowing her eyes, Amity decided to have a staring contest with this little girl... Amity was not going to lose to the little diva! A little, fun battle between two girls....refusing to blink or budge. [@Viciousmarrow]