[u]Province 6[/u] Cheers spread throughout the camp. The darkness had come at them again with flying monstrosities and they had been beaten back without a single loss. It would get more difficult, they all knew that. But today was a time for celebration. Tomorrow they would be prepared again, news was they were getting help from the newly formed alliance. [u]Province 15[/u] The province was alive with troops from everywhere moving to the border to join the fight against the darkness. No longer was Dagrenas a threat, allowing for move focused defense against the darkness. Blacksmiths were prepared for the arrival of Dagrenas scholars to share the secrets of the Arquebus with them. Though there were some suspicions about their loyalty there were few and far inbetween. [hider=Recruiting] Recruit 1 Dirigible in all Provinces. Recruit 1 Ballista in Province 6 and 15 Recruit 1 heavy infantry in Province 14, 19, 13 [/hider] [hider=Tech] Research: Lesser Earth Magic turn 2 [/hider] [hider=Troops] Province 6 Raises 14 units of conscript infantry and 14 of conscript bowmen. Movement 1 Dirgible 14 -> 6 2 Ballista 15 -> 6 5 units of Royal Guard 15 -> 6 75 Dirigibles 19 -> 25 11 War Magi -> 15 9 Dirigibles -> 6 1 Dirgible 13 -> 6 Garrison of Province 14 -6 unit of War Magi -5 units of Harriers -1 unit of Storm Shadows -1 Unit of Heavy Infantry Garrison of Province 6 -13 War Magi -9 units of Harriers -15 units of Storm Shadows -18 units of Royal Guard -18 Ballista -11 Dirgibles -14 undead light infantry(1 turn) -14 undead bowmen(1 turn) Garrison of Province 15 -34 units of War Magi -10 units of Harriers -12 units of Storm Shadows -1 Dirgible Armies in province 13 -10 Units of Light Cavalry -5 Units of Magi -1 Unit of War Magi -2 Units of Heavy Infantry Province 19 -1 Units of Magi -4 Units of Heavy Infantry[/hider]