[IMG]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46225469/RP/pic.png[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Georgiy 'Grimm' Markov[/i] [b]Theme:[/b] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNz2RnH6ClE]Grimms Theme[/url] [b]Age:[/b] 52 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nation of Origin:[/b] Thaos, later moved to Doniaeth. [b]Persona:[/b] Georgiy Markov is a large and quiet man, often appearing melancholy. In a crowded room he prefers to sit and watch, picking acquaintences with care before initiating a conversation. He won't shy away from conversation and in fact, he might consider anyone willing to speak to him worthy of a chance. Grimm has an easy sense of humour although word play and stereotypes have the potential to make him angry. He prefers to keep his anger contained with the consequence that it may burst out later. Although preferring to act logically, Grimm sees himself as a protector and may act on his emotions at times. [b]Equipment:[/b] Grimm loves large, solid weapons that he shouldn't have to land more than a single hit with. Along with his weapons, Grimm wears assorted pieces of armour with a focus on his left side along with a half helm. While owning an assortment of weapons, he typically only carries one or two into combat. Doniaeth 60mm recoiless gun: Primarily used to defeat light fortifications, it fires an explosive shell with enough of an effect to defeat armoured knights and destroy wooden fortifications. It's ammunition is large and he can only carry a handful of rounds into combat. Heavy driver lance: A heavy pnumatic lance derived from construction equipment. It acts as a pointed battering ram. Typically weilded by a team against a wall or gate, Grimm uses it against heavy targets that his shield and gun can't damage. It's massive recoil causes him to stagger and it is typically left behind when going into battle. From time to time he has been spotted with a giant metal shield as massive as he is. Swinging it like a bludgeon, he crushes man and beast alike. It is thick enough to stop gunfire and heavy enough to crush through all but the heaviest of plate armour. [b]Ability/Magic/Technology:[/b] Strength: Grimm is phenomenally strong. The story that followed him when he came to Doniaeth was that he once killed a bear with his fists but in Thaos they say that there were five. In the past his anger and strength have caused him to behave as badly as the worst drunk, destroying even the most hardy of furniture. He has learned to control his anger and his fists so that no more unfortunate accidents happen when he overhears a rude comment. Intelligence:[/b] Grimm has an inherent understanding of anything mechanical. A rifle is no more complex in his mind than a battering ram. He can improvise a solution to a problem in the heat of battle or repair a badly damaged rifle. Weapon maintenance calms him when angered although an abused pistol can set him off just as quickly as a bad joke. Magic is a little bit beyond his understanding but he considers it to of little problem on the battlefield. [b]Additional Info:[/b] Grimm served as a siege engineer, building massive fortifications and knocking down that of others. He grew bored of the directionless leader of Thaos and left for Doniaeth once he was of age. Grimm applied is mechanical knowledge and began to teach himself the gunsmith trade along with anything else that caught his attention. After many years in the capital he returned to the front line. [hider=Post Example] The big man ducked as he entered the bar, standing as his eyes adjusted to the darkness and blocking the doorway. Inhaling the scent of food, he smiled slightly and walked to the bar, sitting on a protesting stool. Grimm pulled aside his jacket, sweeping his scarf out of the way with the other and reaching two fingers into his shirt pocket. Withdrawing some coins, he dropped on the counter and leaned forward onto his elbows. "Soup and sandwich, water. No tomato please." The barkeep nodded, using one hand to sweep the coins into his other hand before placing them somewhere under the counter. He disappeared through a door for a brief moment before returning. "It'll be a few moments, we don't usually get any customers in the middle of the afternoon and the soup needs to be heated up." Grimm nodded and stood, removing his jacket and scarf and laying it over the counter. The stool creaked again as he sat down. After another few moments of silence Grimm straightened up and spoke. "Could I have the sandwich now, I haven't eaten yet today." After a moment in the kitchen the barkeep returned with a sandwich and a glass of water. Grimm carefully lifted one of the halves and began to eat, washing each bite down with a gulp of water. The other man walked several paces down the counter and leaned on it, facing the wall. "You keeping busy Grimm?" Grimm washed down the last of the sandwich with a drink and busied his hands with centering the plate in front of him. "Too busy to eat, that's for sure. I think I'm just about ready to leave here though." The barkeep walked out back and returned with the soup, placing the bowl on the plate that had once held the sandwich. He took the empty glass of water and returned with a full glass before returning to his position leaning agaisnt the counter. "It would have been nice if you had stayed longer before going back out there. How can you go onto a battlefield knowing that you might find your old friends on the other side." Grimm picked up a spoon, staring at his own face distorted in the mirror polished bowl. After a moment he used it to eat a mouthful of soup. After another moment of silence he spoke. "They made their choices as I did. It won't make me happy, but fighting never really did anyway." [/hider]