[center][img]http://blog.honeyfeed.fm/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Lum-Invader-urusei-yatsura-fan-art-500x500.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Epwjnz8.png[/img] [u][color=6ecff6]N[/color]ame:[/u] [url=https://soundcloud.com/supersex420/pa-r-ty][color=6ecff6]Celeste[/color][/url] [u][color=6ecff6]A[/color]lias:[/u] Meteor [u][color=6ecff6]A[/color]ge:[/u] 18 [u][color=6ecff6]A[/color]ppearance:[/u] Celeste stands at a short 5 foot 6 and has a skinny physique that betrays her true strength. Her skin isn't really tanned or pale, just somewhere in the middle. Her most notable features lie above her neck though, with her hair being at the top of the notable list. Her hair is long, and stretches down to about her waste. It's colour could be described as purple, though that wouldn't portray the majesty of it very well. The colour changes hue from neon pink, to deep purple every time you turn away from her. While at first glance, most of her hair would be purple, with only shades of dark pink here and there, at second glance this could change into being almost entirely pink with only small hues of purple here or there. While this may sound gaudy and unappealing, the iridescent nature of her hair is actually rather beautiful. Sticking out from her hair are two small horns, a staple of her former race and a reminder that she is far from human. Her eyes match her hair in the nature of their colour. While most of them are an aqua blue, the bottom half of both of them fades into a sort of light green. Along with this, further adding to the alien look are here ears, which give off a sort of elf-like touch to her. [u][color=6ecff6]G[/color]ender:[/u] Female [u][color=6ecff6]P[/color]owers/equipment:[/u] Celeste's main power is her sheer strength and durability. She is far stronger than any human, and even then most superhumans. Along with this, she can withstand the full force of a train hitting her head on and only sustain a broken arm or so. Her healing factor is increased, but not overtly so, she could heal a broken limb in about a week or so. She is also able to fly, albeit at only a minor speed faster than her running pace. Her durability factors into her lungs, and she is able to fly through space without fear of death. [u][color=6ecff6]W[/color]eakness: [/u] Enough damage can kill her just like anyone else. Along with this, her naivety and lack of knowledge about earth can be her downfall, as any villain who convinces her that they are a good guy can put a deathly turn on the situation. Quicksilver also severely weakens her, and can even kill her in large enough quantities. [u][color=6ecff6]P[/color]ersonality:[/u] If you had to describe Celeste in two words they would be 'Overtly optimistic'. Celeste refuses to see the bad in a situation, whether this be due to her naivety or something else altogether is unknown, but she never lets anything get her down. Kind and thoughtful, Celeste will often pick up on a minor thing a person has said and try to find out as much about it in order to become better friends with the person. However, there is a downside to this overtly happy personality. She is rather bold and outgoing in what she says, and can often offend with her blatant observations. Along with this, she knows very little about earth and this lack of knowledge has been a great nuisance for her. [u][color=6ecff6]H[/color]istory:[/u] Celeste was born on a planet far out of the milky way. It was a planet mainly filled with various faunas and forests, hardly even breaking past the pre-historic stage of its cycle. Nevertheless, do not think it's inhabitants to be cavemen, they were just as adept and smart as the modern human being, but their culture was centred extremely around tribes and whatnot. Celeste spent a lot of her youth hunting and exploring with her siblings, tracking various birds of prey and carnivores before fighting and killing the animals to bring home for dinner that night. Everything seemed to be going well in her life, that is, until the Empire of Jahanos attacked. The Empire of Jahanos was an extremely advanced army of aliens, dedicated to mining out planets for their resources whether the inhabitants liked it or not. This lead to the tribes forming together into one massive army, and managing to hold off Jahanos for a few weeks or so, before they began pulling out the big guns. They slaughtered entire towns without mercy, and began starving out the ones that caused the most trouble. Soon enough bombings began occurring and the tribes began having less and less chance of winning this fight. Celeste would never discover who won the war, as she was kidnapped before it had even properly gotten into full swing. She was to be used as a bargaining chip, but fate saw other plans for her. She broke out of her jail cell using her incredible strength and managed to make it to an escape pod on the ship she was being held on. She pressed just about every button in the pod before it put her into deep sleep and sent her shooting off into space. She slept in that vessel for 4 months or so, tumbling and spinning through space until she finally reached her stop. Earth's moon. She exited the vessel fully rested and ready to get revenge on Jahanos. Unfortunately, that revenge would have to wait. She explored the moon, finding nothing but a few rocks and craters. She leapt into the air, only to discover her ability of flight, and managed to make her way to earth before subsequently getting lost once more. She found her way into society and adapted as well as she could. She managed to get a small job, an apartment and became inspired by heroes like Superman and Wonder Woman to start doing it herself. A few months later and there she was, joining the Teen Titans. [u][color=6ecff6]O[/color]ther:[/u] [list] [*] Her favourite food is hamburgers [*] Obsessed with 'future funk' [/list] [/center]