[b]Name[/b]: Regina Hills [b]Species[/b]: Halfling [b]Age[/b]: 57 [b]Description[/b]: Regina is a bit tall for a halfling, a whole six inches taller than the average of 3 feet, with long, reddish brown hair and chocolatey brown eyes. She has a pale complexion and a few small wrinkles, preferring to stay in the shade, and a thin but curvy figure that is slowly catching up with her age. Regina wears a thin layer of leather armor over her clothes with multiple daggers hidden on her and a pair of longtooth daggers on her hips. Regina carries no less than 20 throwing daggers, 10 normal daggers and a pair of longtooth daggers on her at any time. [b]Personality[/b]: Regina is the type of woman to flirt with some of the younger women though nothing too far as she doesn't want to be left again. She's easy to anger if you say the wrong thing. However, she does keep her anger under control while at work. She's no longer the happy-go-lucky woman she once was, instead taking everything carefully and not letting anyone close again. [b]Skills/Abilities[/b]: Regina has great aim with her throwing daggers and is proficient with her normal daggers to block and redirect, allowing her to use her longtooth daggers, with their little extra length, to attack. She can also pick locks, pick pockets, find and remove traps, track people, most any skill a thief would find very helpful. Other than that, she is an excellent with her psionic powers, allowing her to do many things most people cannot. -Combat Mind: Using this, she has a clear understanding of where her allies and enemies are. -Telekinesis: She can levitate most objects though nothing bigger than a small human male for more than a couple minutes. -Levitation: She can lift herself up to 12 feet from whatever she's standing on. -Complete Healing: With a 12-hour meditation process, she can heal herself of all injuries, illnesses, poisons and the like. -Quick Healing: With a matter of a few minutes and a lot of concentration, she can heal her small injuries, though nothing bigger than a small cut. -Adrenaline Control: By controlling the production and release of adrenaline in her system, she can give herself a temporary physical boost on demand. -Body Weaponry: Using this, she can turn her hands into dagger blades or go as far as her elbow for a shortsword blade. -Displacement: She can control where people see her, whether or not she moves. -Teleport: With this, she can teleport up to 200 feet away in the blink of an eye, with loud popping sounds emitting from both the place she teleports from and to. -Telepathy: Using this, she is able to communicate wordlessly with another intelligent being without having to worry about language barriers. -Daydream: She can cause another person's mind to wander, allowing her to pick their pockets and get away safely with a lower chance of getting caught. [b]Magic[/b]: She has no magic though some have commented her psionics are similar. [b]Backstory[/b]: Regina was raised in a big halfling city, well as big a city as the halflings would build, with her numerous siblings. The only way she could stand out in her family enough to be remembered was the fact that, at a young age, she could make apples fly to her hand. She had practically never spent any time at home once she was old enough and had gotten caught picking locks and grabbing an apple for a snack. She had eventually decided, after nearly having her hand chopped off for the thousandth time, to leave the city and find a better life. She soon was found by a thieves' guild that took her in and began training her. She spent the next 15 years in the guild, training as hard as she could to get faster and stronger though her strength didn't improve by much. They found out about her psionic skills rather quickly and, being only the second psionic in the guild, learned from an older man who taught her how to teleport, heal small wounds, levitate items other than apples, such as herself, and so on. After her training was finished, she began traveling again, ending up in Waeldeshore. It was there she met a group that was going to be fighting a dragon. She decided to join them, supplying the team with a lot of jerky during their travel to the cave. They ended up stealing a magic artifact from a sleeping dragon, one of two in that particular cave and escaping rather quickly. Upon arriving back at the town, most of them decided to spend the night. Regina offered to share a room with one of the more beautiful, yet still a bit scary, women on the team. When she awoke, however, she saw her ally was gone. She had searched for days but the trail was cold and she couldn't follow what she couldn't find. Instead, she decided to go east. She went far east, ending up in a land much different than what she was used to a year later. It was there she met another halfling woman, a bard who instantly captured her heart. She traveled with the bard, acting as her bodyguard for a decade and a half until she was injured badly. She was unconscious for days as she slowly healed herself from nearly dying but, when she awoke, the bard was gone. She asked around but nobody had seen the halfling bard around in days. She had been abandoned again. With nothing else to do, she returned to the west. It took 4 years to travel back, as she had done other jobs along the way to distract her, but she eventually returned to Wealdeshore. With not much else to do, she became a guard for one of the local pubs. It's been 5 years since her return and, in that time, she's proven to be a great asset as well as a new resident for the foreseeable future.