[center][b]Lucius Delacroix[/b][/center] [hr] The descent proved just as terrifying as it was eerie and if ever there was a time in which he could not fathom the ghastly evidence of the supernatural, no other point in his life could quite match the present moment. Much remained unexplained, yet there stood one unquestionable realization and it stemmed from the reality that certain players had conspired to considerably lengths achieve their goals. When it would all end was when the Prince and his companions' fortunes finally dissapated or they somehow capitalized upon their sacrifices to escape this charade of a Banquet turned incendiary execution. He couldn't imagine how his companion, Balthazar could muster the energy to move onwards, however, perhaps it was the reason the former retainer still lived. The ache that coursed through his body proved too much to bear and in them, Lucius felt his legs grow heavy as stones. The seer in his arms could barely walk, let alone move and it seemed that with every step, he too found himself facing a similar condition. It was fortunate Balthazar and Dae still remained in their stead or it seemed he would've stood utterly alone amongst the fates. In an unexpected gesture, the armored man offered an outstretched hand, however, the words that spilled out of his mouth sent a flashes of recognition through his mind and for a moment, the Prince believed he'd recognized a man he'd long believed dead. The same words said on the night King Lothair and many great of the Kingdom's advisors and loyal retainers fell to assassins sent by none other than his own uncle. During that exact moment of suspicion, his hand wretched away in hesitation and in that moment, the Prince tottered as he felt his legs begin to buckle. His grip upon the seer began to slip as his balance began to wobble back and forth before a missed step that not only threatened to unbalance the armored young man, but sent him careening down the flight of stairs. Stars clouded his vision as he somehow managed to shield the brunt of the damage from Ona's way. Before he'd reached the cellar's bottom stairwell, he'd already determined he'd made a grave mistake, however, the deeds were done and nothing could change the fact that his body ached like never before. "You'll excuse my idiocy, Uriel but I believe I can ... manage!" Lucius loudly lied amidst groans and pained gasps. His arms reached out towards his Al Mayrin companion, however, the adrenaline rush had begun to fade and immense exhaustion and aches began to overtake his muscles. His eyes glanced upwards as he found the smell of fumes descending from above. The pulsating shades had begun to fade as quickly as the ear-splitting screeches had begun to dim. "You," he heard his towering former retainer voice, "You who suggested these tunnels. How long do they go on for?" "Yes," Lucius grimaced, "I suppose perhaps you could offer guidance if you know of way through this spirits stockage otherwise I'm afraid this cellar will become our eternal resting place ..."