[quote=@EliteCommander] I have come to realize an issue. Presently, my character would be heading home after fixing up her datapad and waiting for word from Dyno. However, if she is to go to the pit, that would require a significant timeskip for her. But, it still needs to sync up with what everyone else is doing. In a sandbox style like this, how do we go about addressing the fact that everyone is going to be doing different things that take different amounts of time, but we still need to be able to sync up that time? Preferably without requiring that people spend long amounts of time unable to do anything. [/quote] I say we typically do the traditional sandbox thing and... not worry about it. It only ever really becomes an issue for example if someone where to say, cause a major explosion. If people were then to all mention said explosion in their post it kind of... locks them in place. I mean it is up to [@Heat] but I say we go with the traditional fluid method where it works "Just cause". Sounds like a real cheat I know but a lot of people don't mind as long as when you meet you're at the same time of day, so to speak.