Name: Neko Alias: May Daystorm Age: 16 Appearance [IMG][/IMG] Gender:Female Powers Enhanced Biology] Neko's abilities are the result of an unknown genetic mutation which brand her as an Aberrant life form who while appearing human shares only 91% of her genetic code with humanity.) Her extraordinary feats, including bench pressing 1200 pounds (545 kg), running a mile (1.6 km) in 73 seconds (49 mph/78 kph) and being able to leap across gaps 100 ft.(30.48 m.) Or as high as 35 ft. (10.67 m.) are examples of her mutation Her physical toughness is extraordinary her skin able to shed off small caliber weapons rounds (.45 cal) that leave only welts and a pissed off Neko her bones nearly as strong and light as chromoly are very difficult to break. Her eyesight is akin to Low light vision systems though she suffers from color blindness hinting at her feral genetics. Her hearing is also enhanced as is her sense of smell an comparable with that of canines. Her ears grant Neko a sense of hearing that is both telescopic as bidirectional (she can listen to two separate sources and hear in frequencies higher and lower than any other mammal. Neko cannot become intoxicated by drugs and poisons including alcohol,or by impurities in the air and is immune to terrestrial diseases due to her unusual genetics. She is also highly resistant to hypnosis or gases that could limit her focus. Claws retractable She can use her claws as climbing tools that are able to gain purchase on even concrete or solid stone. They can also be used as armor piercing weapons able to shred cloth armor or skin Contortionist Because of her enhancement Neko can squeeze through any space which is only slightly larger than her head. Tail prehensile Neko's tail is able to stretch to twice it's length (6ft. /1.82m)and support her own weight plus 600 pounds (272 kilo) Weakness: First off Neko can't hide her appearance and that she's not human. Second Colorblind, Neko doesn't see colors in the same way as humans which results her sometimes dressing in odd combinations that make her stand out. Third Neko Prefers live kill and raw meats which let's face it gives her social stigma (She actually raises rabbits and then releases them, pursues them then kills and eats them or she buys animals and does the same) She hates meat from butchers but will eat if it's all that's available and prefers internal organs to flesh. Finally she like all felines suffers from a hyperactive curiosity, has to investigate new things, open unexplored doors, people and whatever else attracts her. Personality: Neko's personality is very mercurial and therefore unpredictable. Blatantly sexual in her outward appearance she can react very cruelly to advances as often as she seems to welcome them. As a result of her heightened senses she can be doing one thing with all her focus one moment an the next drop what she was doing and forget it to pursue a new interest History:8 years ago in Cascade Mountains people began making reports of seeing a wild girl and there the story might have ended if not for a few pictures that showed an unusual girl with ear and a tail in the underbrush. 4 Years ago a Biologist named Dr. Susan Daystorm was doing a study of the Black bear population and was injured in a fall while crossing a river on the rocks. In danger of drowning Dr. Daystorm thought she was soon to die as the swift current carried her down stream. Then as she passed under a fallen log a strange young girl reached into the water while hanging upside down and plucked her from it. Dr. Daystorm was carried an drug through the forest till they stopped in a cave that was the naked girl's home. In the beginning they couldn't talk because Neko had no knowledge of english or human speech. The doctor alone still talked to her benefactor as if she understood and was stunned when a week later Neko asked her first question "What You?" Not exactlly the erudite type of question the young doc was used to but stunned Susan Daystorm to the ground. Once Dr Daystorm healed three weeks later she had managed to teach Neko speech at a thrid grade level an convinced the young girl to come home with her. For two years Neko (Dr. Named her that because she looked like the legendary creatures)lived with her absorbing information at an astounding rate about the world around her. One year ago Neko became aware of the fact that her presence at her friend's home was attracting unwanted attention to the Doctor and decided to leave. She later found the Titans while searching for a place where she could remain in the civilized world. Other: Name: Nicole (Nicki) Milinaire Alias: CG Age: 17 Appearance [IMG][/IMG] Gender: Female [U]Powers[/U] [Hider=Technopathy] Nikki can manipulate technology and technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as "technology". This allows her physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data. She can control the flow of intricate machinery and can allow them to assemble or disengage their programming at will. Can operate most technology just by touching or looking. Also she can create, shape and manipulate technology and technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as "technology"[/Hider] [Hider=Restoration] Nikki can repair and return any broken or damaged machine to its optimal state no matter how long it has been broken or how damaged it was. How long this takes is dependent on the size an complexity of the machine in question but she must have physical contact with her target.[/Hider] [Hider=Technopathic Perception] Nikki can read electronic signals, sort of like mind reading for machines. Can be used to "talk" to computers or interrogate them (Hack) for information[/Hider] [Hider=Sentience Inducement](Random) Nikki's ability can accidently grant complex machinery the ability to feel, perceive, or be conscious, or to have subjective experiences. These machines must have some form of electronics within them and can range from High tech military equipment to electronic appliances. The chance that her contact with them causes sentience is increased by the complexity of the device, machine or computer. Once the machine has sentience Niki must negotiate with it rather than command. The effect is temporary in most cases but on extremely rare occasions can be permanent such as is the case of Teddy; the bear can talk and carry on conversations.[/Hider] [Hider=Energy field]This power allows Niki to power any device she is within 15 feet of whether the device, machine or computer runs on fossil fuel, electricity or other type of source except biological.[/Hider] [Hider=Editic Memory], this gives Niki the ability to remember anything she sees or reads with the clarity of an advanced computer[/Hider] [U]Equipment[/U] [Hider=Teddy]Teddy is a large white Teddy Bear designed by Niki's parents to be Companion and Tutor for their daughter. Packed with computer hardware usually only found on large military installations Teddy was the only prototype of his kind ever built. Heat and sound sensors allow Teddy to monitor anyone who holds him physically and even judge their moods. He was programed with the most life like personality Nicole's father ever designed and was brought to Sentience by CG due to prolonged exposure to her abilities making Teddy the most powerful minicomputer in existence. [B][U]NIKI WITH TEDDY[/U][/B] [IMG][/IMG][/Hider] [Hider=Stungun] using both electrical an kinetic force this weapon is powered by Niki's own power field and operates using gauss tech to accelerate soft and hard rubber balls at speeds calibrated by a smart sensor that judges the target's resistance and the need. Some of the balls contain a small but powerful capacitors that also release a preprogramed taser charge on impact.[/Hider] [Hider=CG Armor] [IMG][/IMG] This armor is powered by Niki's Energy field an cannot be powered in any other way. Equipped with sensor that would be the envy of any military machine CG can see in the dark using infrared, ultraviolet and low light enhancers. Due to it's precision construction down to the molecular level the protection abilities possessed by the armor can shrug off up to .50 caliber rounds. It also protects Niki from heat, cold, radiation and gases as well as vacuum.[/Hider] Weakness: Primary weakness is that outside of her CG armor Niki is as fragile as a normal girl. Her power doesn't function on biologicals She requires three times the calories of a normal girl her age and if her access to that amount is curtailed or taken to basic normal for three days Niki loses it and requires 7 days at three times normal to recover. Personality: Niki seems to be the quiet type of studious girl commonly called a nerd or geek but it is a facade used to insulate her from the curious. Inside she is a hyperactive personality who is only at rest when she sleeps. History: Nikki was born 16 years ago an only child to Frank an Joyce Milinaire. Her parents were both in their late forties and Professors at Erskine Technical Institute her father teaching programing and her mother robotics. Nikki grew up in a house where it wasn't uncommon to have military officers or world renowned scientists drop by for anything from a Barbecue to a closed meeting while federal officers put the house under watch. She attended several launches of space vehicles before she was 9 and even watched her mom go into space once to repair a satellite she'd designed when she was 10. Then one day it happened that her father while working on a project to program nanites for use in some unknown project and was killed in an unexplained explosion in his lab, Nikki was only 12 years old. Her mother was so distraught that she had a complete nervous breakdown and had to be committed to an institution. Because of her high security clearance Nikki's mother was kept in a special place reserved for others like herself and restricts visitation. When she turned 13 her guardian Uncle Blinky took to see a lawyer who said he was executing a living will written out by her mother. In the will Nikki found herself the owner of her family home, her father's [Hider=57 T-Bird][IMG][/IMG][/Hider] and a small vacation cottage she'd visited as a child but never knew they'd owned At 14 she was accepted by Erskine Tech where she began work in earning two degrees one in Physics an the other is in Mechanical engineering. Other: