[hider=Vera Meadows] [center] [img]http://www.4freeimagehost.com/uploads/PUSH9d60efb7c4d7.jpg[/img] [/center] [center][h3]"Even the most beautiful of roses can have the sharpest of thorns."[/h3] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Vera Meadows [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] Lady Vera [b]Age:[/b] 15-16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Very human [b]Sexuality:[/b] [s]Very thorny[/s] Heterosexual [b]Year:[/b] 4 [b]Ranking Class:[/b] Witch [b]Magic:[/b] Naturalis: Rose Garden Simply put, Naturalis: Rose Garden allows Vera to create and manipulate rose thorns at will. This magic can be used in long range combat, although it can be used in close range attacks to some extent. These thorns can also be used to form defensive barriers and shields to protect the user from harm. The more mana used the larger the thorns become. Vera is also capable of creating and manipulating rose petals to use as a screen or distraction. [b]Strengths:[/b] The greatest strength of this magic is its multiple uses and ranges. For a long range attack, Vera can simply wave a hand and thorns can sprout out of the ground towards the enemy. This is also the case for closer range attacks, however it is possible for Vera to create shields made of tightly packed thorns. As said before, the more mana that is supplied with each attack, the larger, stronger an thicker the thorns become. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] As this is a magic used by long distance fighters, fighting at a closer range can be a struggle, despite the possibilities of countering against it. Also, the less mana used, the less powerful each attack becomes. Only those with large mana pools can manage to fight with this type of magic for long periods of time. This magic is definitely not for the brash and reckless; it takes strategy, skill and preservation to wield. [b]Catalyst:[/b] A large silver ring with a deep red gem pressed into it. [b]Inventory:[/b] Other than her ring, Vera usually carries small sweets around with her (her sweet tooth can't go unnoticed when there's a cake shop involved). [b]Familiar:[/b] --- [b]Squad Name:[/b] --- (If it's a new school year then Vera's most likely new to this whole squad thing) [b]Pesonality:[/b] Vera is an unusual one; the graceful yet mysterious air she gives off is almost haunting. Her pale skin and rather tall height seem to compliment this, but it isn't like a majority of people are terrified of her. It's more likeā€¦ getting to know her fully takes a bit of time. Other than that, Vera is a pleasant young woman. Full of faint smiles, gentle words and grace, this girl doesn't seem like a fighter at all. Quite the opposite, actually. However, no matter how many smiles or thank you's she gives, almost everyone she comes across will usually note her as 'mysterious' in their books. Sure, she smiles and puts on a pretty face all the time, but the mask she wears almost 24/7 is what hides her true thoughts. No matter how hard you stare, you'll never be able to see what this girl is thinking. Did Vera ever think good of that drawing you showed her last week? Did Vera ever think of dumping her insides into a toilet after you made some food for her? Did Vera think badly of you after you told her something nasty and regrettable? You may never know. There also hides an even darker layer to Vera that none of the other students have seen before. A cunning, manipulative woman who will do anything to get what she wants lies beneath that pale face mask of hers (heck, you could even call her insane if you wanted). A layer that only rises to the surface in the most dire of situations. What to expect when said layer rises to the surface? [i]You may never know.[/i] But remember, Vera isn't completely evil. She rushes to help someone in need. She laughs at stupidly funny jokes. She cries when something saddens her. She feels discouraged when a close friend is hurt. She'll protect her fellow classmates to the end. Because, even if her mask hides a lot, she's still, you know, human. [b]Backstory:[/b] Although Vera was born into a wealthy and powerful household in England, her childhood was a simple and happy one. As a child, Vera had a passionate and curious mindset. Always letting herself get lost in the mansion's library, the little girl would spend her free time reading about the functions of the world. All of this knowledge fascinated Vera, and every day presented her with new information to take in. But, even if these books held facts to the world around her, simply reading it off a white page wasn't as satisfying in the least. Vera wanted to explore the vast world for herself, to really experience the world's wonders and mysteries. However, this wasn't something Vera was going to gain by simply asking. Her life as a mage still lay ahead of her. For the next few years, Vera would continue with her studies, eventually being sent over to Liseranna to attend its prestigious academy. Now fifteen years of age (going onto sixteen in a few months), the young woman continues to dream on exploring the world herself. There are still many things this girl doesn't know, but until her wishes are fulfilled, Vera won't stop to know everything there is to know about the earth. [/hider]