[h3]Vikas Helsing[/h3] Vikas continues walking. He suddenly has a very bad feeling about being without his equipment....not good. He picks up speed a bit knowing that if he is outnumbered too much he would have to talk his way out. Depending on the vampire that could end badly for him. He shakes his head...he is a helsing he would use his skills so that he isn't captured and used for some stupid prize. As he walks he passes by a very tired looking woman and pick pockets her without her noticing, his should bump startling her. "Oh apologies madam, I was not paying attention" his voice is velvety soft causing the woman to blush and continue to wherever she is going. With a soft sigh he opens the small coin purse he had snagged off of her. He looks mildly disappointed. "Cheap bitch" he grumbles under his breath. He should've gone for the pearls that were around her neck, but oh well. He pockets the small coin purse and keeps walking. "Why the hell did I go somewhere so far away" muttering to himself. He really needs to stop going to places that cause him to walk so far at night with just his daggers...he could run into vampires. He smiles slightly at that thought, a vampire who hunts his own kind...ironic.