[center][img]http://s1.postimg.org/cygusif3j/sample_7e73f07435c0649e961ca14c9595d170.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3]"It is hard to fool around when you have a whole legacy behind you, ya know? I some times wish I could just be a normal guy."[/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Xiao Long Lin Hua. [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] [i]Lin, Hua[/i], Heir Of The House Of Xiao, Young Master [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Sexuality:[/b] Demisexual [b]Year:[/b] 6 [b]Ranking Class:[/b] Druid Class Magician [b]Magic:[/b] Naturalis: Gaia Augmentation. Lin's magic allows him to draw from the force of nature and use it in addition to his very own fighting style. This allows him to make his body as hard as a rock or his hands as sharp as steel. [b]Strengths:[/b] He can draw power from just about anything. If a structure is made out of rock, he can take the power out from that rock, or if there is a steel wall, he can also draw power out from that. This combined with his vast knwoledge of martial arts proves for an extremely dangerous kind of magic. He can take augmentations from three resources at the same time. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Keeping up a single augmentation wastes mana until it is dispeled. Keeping an augmentation on also wears down the resource from where Lin took his power, and when such a thing happens, Lin's augementation is also dispeled. Destroying the resource Lin is taking his augmentation from will also dispel his magic. Lin can only draw power from minerals, so he can't transform into water or similars. [b]Catalyst:[/b] His catalyst is a dragon tattoo in his back. It is an special tattoo made out of the ink of a Kraken, a beast commonly hunted by the men of the Xiao Long family as a coming of age ritual. He usually has it covered so that people cannot guess his heritage from a simple glance. [b]Inventory:[/b] Lin usually carries with him a pair of sais to use in battle. [b]Familiar:[/b] [url=http://prod-guild.herokuapp.com/posts/3288243]Shikio Wahlaal[/url] [b]Squad Name:[/b] --- [b]Pesonality:[/b] Ever heard of a gilded cage? That's exactly what happens with Lin Hua. The young master of Chinese noble house Xiao Long feels that there is nothing he can do without being seen, and that might as well be true. He's developed several habits because of this. He is light on his feet and you will probably never hear him coming. He tends not to speak too much of himself until he is finally sure that you are not an spy from his family. He doesn't answer private numbers or unknown numbers in his mobile. His guard is always up and ready until he is sure that you are not his enemy. He will also be extremely rude to any woman trying to get overly friendly with him. More than one arranged marriage partner has tried to approach him like that. After getting through that and making sure you aren't in any kind of relation with his family, he will become a lot more friendly and easy to talk with. However, he is still a spoiled and whimsical child for all the time he's spent living secluded and close to his family. Sometimes, he tends not to understand his own emotions and, despite claming that he wants only to encounter the woman he loves and marry that same woman. Even he isn't sure if he even knows what love really is. [b]Backstory:[/B] The Xiao Long family. Your ever so cliche Chinese noble house. Everything was calm and relaxing. Tea ceremonies in the morning. Kung-fu and Tai chi in the afternoon. Wedding ceremonies and correct manners at noon. Sleeping at correct hours too. It was severely frowned upon staying up too late. While Lin Hua always had every toy at his disposal that he wanted and could order around as many of the manservants in the mansion as he pleased, the boy never really did seem satisfied with that. The Xiao Long are a long line of Naturalis magicians, but they don't really make an habit of sending off their heirs to magic schools in fear of other houses stealing their magic secrets. However, Lin Hua was an special case. It is not that he lacked the talent and large mana pool that years and years of mages had created and only for him to inherit, it was just that he didn't seem to have any intention to learn magic. When they asked him why he wouldn't accept the training given to him, he said that because everything was really boring. It wasn't much of a reason, but everyone knew Lin Hua's whimsical nature. If he said he wasn't going to do something, he simply won't, and that was the end of it. In order to satisfy the young master, they asked him what he wanted. Lin answered that he wanted to go to school, like every other teenager. His family decided to let him attend to Liseranna, where he could study his magic and become a worthy heir of the house of Xiao Long. Perhaps even find a suitable consort. Of course, Lin has no intention of doing that, and can't seem to be able to wait until he gets permission to go in missions. If he does, he can either fake his death or escape altogether without looking back. In any case, he just wishes to get away from his family and its rigid traditions. Despite Lin's sheltered nature and often times unfriendly disposition, he was able to find a Fenrir one of the several times he escaped from his home and into the woods. Shikio, the Fenrir he managed to befriend, was definitely powerful... and he really wanted a pet. Why not keep a sexy dog girl as one? He decided to bring the girl back home, using both his cunning and position to make a juicy contract with her and her somewhat... difficult personality. The elder of his family admitted her great potential for magic and actually allowed for the Fenrir to become the Xiao Long familiar. Starting her contract with the next head of the house just seemed ideal, if only Lin's personality was a little bit less difficult than Shikio's own personality. [hr] [center][img]http://s28.postimg.org/sohrl2ob1/a9494d0b856d1fcf7a7fb27380f267ef.jpg[/img][/center] [color=f6989d][center][h3]"We should all get along and not fight. I mean, fighting's wrong, right?"[/h3][/center][/color] [color=ed1c24][center][h3]"You always go on about idiotic things like that, don't you?"[/h3][/center][/color] [b]Name:[/b] Charlotte Roh Viskey [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] None right now [b]Age:[/b] 12 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Sexuality:[/b] Believes she is heterosexual but she is still too young. [b]Year:[/b] 1 [b]Ranking Class:[/b] She is classified as a Witch, but her true potential without her spirit is that of a simple mage in training. [b]Magic:[/b] Pythones: Sloth Spirit Belphegor 'Belly'. It is well known that Belphegor is a sloth 'demon' in Catholic religion. However, it is in fact a sloth spirit. It is not evil but rather lazy. It cannot live without possessing a host every century or so, and always waits for that limit to be reached before possessing a new host. The one unfortunate or perhaps fortunate enough to have been possessed was small potential mage Charlotte. [b]Strengths:[/b] Charlotte is able to either physically manifest Belphegor to fight by her side OR can be completely possessed by the spirit and gain its abilities. In such an state she gains superhuman abilities like immense strength, astonishing speed and the knowledge of the spirit possessing her. Belphegor is able to induce sloth in others and make them lazy and even make them fall asleep with enough mana. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Belphegor, as a spirit of sloth, is extremely lazy, and will not act unless Charlotte is truly in danger. When possessed, Charlotte's personality changes and she exchanges positions to become the spirit inside the body, while Belphegor uses her body. Killing Charlotte in this state would make her an spirit, and would definitely kill Belphegor, a spirit that has trascended life and death for several centuries now. Also, Charlotte's body isn't as resilient as to withstand the enormous strength and abilities of Balphegor and may even end up with broken bones or completely incapacitated after a fight, if she ever does get into one. [b]Catalyst:[/b] Belphegor possesses her and her body itself is the catalyst. However, and to study how to make actual magic, she has chosen a bracelet. [b]Inventory:[/b] Sweets. Lots and lots of them. She also carries toys with her wherever she goes. [b]Familiar:[/b] Doesn't have one. [b]Squad Name:[/b] Can't even be in one. [b]Pesonality:[/b] Extremely childish, even for a girl her age. She is naive, she is loud and she is a complete airhead. If there is something that is true is that she has been sheltered and taken care for all of her life. Even now that she is at Liseranna after seeing her talent to befriend even a malicious spirit known to kill its hosts as soon as he possessed them, she is protected by that same spirit, even if it tries not to make it look like it. Charlotte just seems to be a magnet for problems, and her personality oddly makes her get into even more problems. Above all, she has an optimistic look on life, despite having been possessed she still sees it as a good thing, and as an opportunity to make a good friend that will accompany her for life. Her moral compass is also stupidly inclined to good. She won't accept good coming from an evil, if it can't be done the right way, then it can't be done at all. When something like this happens is the only time she will actually rise up and fight. Belphegor, in contrast, is an extremely lazy spirit. Most of the time, it keeps its mouth shut and prefers to just be an spectator, but when Charlotte is about to make an idiotic suggestion so as to help someone who doesn't need helping or walking right into a death trap. He will forcefully take over Charlotte's body in order to enhance her abilities and be able to use his own magic. When this happens, however, his true personality is brought to light. As always, he is a lazy spirit, but he is also sarcastic, extremely crude, likes to pick fights, prone to being a pervert and flirty. He loves to chase skirts and will even stoop as low as to act as Charlotte to sneak peeks at the bodies of other women. Though he does care and worry for Charlotte, it does not extend to anyone else. He couldn't care less about other people and can kill without any qualm whatsoever. Though Charlotte doesn't tend to get into a lot of fights, she does get into fights with Balphegor whenever he calls her a 'boy dressed as a girl', 'no boobs' or 'flat chest'. [b]Backstory:[/B] Born to a normal family in some generic city of the USA, Charlotte spent most of her time playing around and just doing well, kid-like things. Her personallity has always been the same, and no matter what happened she never really did seem worried. Something happened when she was around 10, however. She started experiencing night terrors as Belphegor tried to possess her. It was her potential as a mage that made it hard for the spirit to enter her body. Belphegor thought about giving up since it was too much of a hassle but... being able to consume a woman with such potential would probably keep him fed for several more centuries without having to possess someone else. He could just lollygag without a care in the world. Yes, that was the reason why he decided to go through the hassle of possessing Charlotte. To save future effort. However, when he did so, he met the incredibly oddball that is Charlotte. Her smile was like the sun and Balphegor found it irritating. Her energy that made Balphegor give chase to her spirit to catch it upsetted him. The fact that she was still happy despite her imminent doom was oddly irritating for Balphegor, but he could not deny that he hadn't had this kind of fun in ages. Later, he decided to actually talk to the girl. When they got to talking he thought to himself something he never thought would happen, that killing such a human would just be a waste. So he decided to form a friendship/contract with Charlotte. Afterwards, it wasn't long for a teacher from Liseranna to discover her and scout her. She decided to go to learn how to manifest Balphegor and finally see the face of the spirit residing alongside her. [hr] [center][img]http://s12.postimg.org/kzx9srcct/ce9cb105d093a5b11758fef5bc034f5c.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=yellow]"My blade hasn't gone dull yet. As long as I still control it, I will continue fighting."[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Juliann Espada [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] [i]The Possessed Swordsman[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight [b]Class:[/b] [list] [*]How To Fend Off Hostile Spirits [*]Spirit-ology. Your friendly guide to getting to know spirits. [*]Exorcism [s]for dummies[/s] 101 [*]Fencing and Swordsmanship [/list] [b]Ranking Class:[/b] Destructive Class Magician & Necromancer Class Magician [b]Magic:[/b] [b]Pythones: The Dragonslayer, Sasaki Kojiro[/b] Juliann is possessed by the spirit of the nameless samurai, Sasaki Kojiro, who truly was an spirit to begin with, which was the actual reason for why it was so hard to locate him to begin with. He is a wandering warrior, who often moved from one body to the other without qualms, giving the possessed body an incredible ability with the blade that could hardly be compared by anyone else in feudal Japan, and still continues to be one of the best. Thanks to Juliann's talent as a mage and also as a swordsman, the warrior has been bound to her for quite a while now, training her for the day she doesn't need his help any longer. Sasaki Kojiro does not offer any special ability to his host, nor does he talk in place of them like Balphegor, instead, he either takes over a body completely or manifests at times when the negative energy in a place is strong enough. Instead, he relies his knowledge upon his host so that they can fight. Juliann is incredibly skilled with a sword and a master swordsman in her own right, however her style is definitely that of a western warrior. The training and knowledge from Sasaki have allowed her to create a completely original sword technique. [b]Contritio: Sword Art[/b] Extremely versatile yet neutral in nature, the Contritio Sword Art is a special fighting style involving sword techniques and magic. More about this will be explained IC. [b]Contritio: Kanji Magic[/b] The love child of her sword art and constant training with Sasaki Kojiro. When she activates this magic, her sword slashes will leave an ink-like substance made out of mana. Depending on what she writes (as a kanji) is what will be activated. E.G. if she writes the kanji 火 for fire, then whatever she wrote it on will catch on fire. [b]Strengths:[/b] Her magic is not only versatile, but also extremely deadly. Some times, people can't catch with the eyes when she takes her sword out. Her strength is gargantuan too, and her body though curvaceous is definitely more ripped than the body of any other male teacher. Her magic allows for elements to be created out of nothingness and, unlike other magicks, hers is not limited by the branch of magic she is uses. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] As it should be expected, Juliann's magic is extremely mana consuming. Her mana is being turned into ink when using her Kanji Magic and to enhance her strength and speed to the point she needs them to in her Sword Arts are also too tiring. Her kanji magic is also extremely limited to her knowledge of Japanese characters, though Sasaki tends to teach her new ones regularly. [b]Catalyst:[/b] The cursed sword, Kreuz. It is what made her left eye turn red. There is not a single good point about this sword, other than the fact that it can constantly replenish the mana of the user, though that comes at the price of her own life. She's never used this technique. Using it is tiring too. When casting, the sword also consumes more mana than any one normal catalyst. It is also attached to Juliann and she can't get rid of it nor can she use another sword. She's already lost a hand trying to. Seemingly, it is also nigh indestructible and incredibly sharp, being able to cut cleanly through steel without as much as a problem. To compensate for these other two good points, however, is the fact that it is extremely heavy. Juliann herself could not lift it for several years until her training was completed. [b]Inventory:[/b] Reading glasses. A phone and a wallet (try stealing it) [b]Personality:[/b] Juliann has often been compared to a dragon. She only acknowledges the strong and looks down on the weak. If you have a problem with someone, then solve it with your fists, not with petty words. This does not mean, however, that she goes around picking fights with whoever gets in her way. She is patient and has the understanding of a saint. It is actually hard to make her mad, but when you do, well, you'd better run for your life. Though Sasaki is a teacher to her more than a hassle, she is painfully aware of the fact that not every spirit is as benevolent and good as her own master, so she decided to take up the job as a teacher in Liseranna. Perhaps also impose some order upon the rebellios brats. More than one seems to think they are god brought back to life to walk with the peasants. [b]Backstory:[/b] For now, let's just say that she has an story with the Eye of Baphel she'd rather not share. You shall discover more IC.