Uriel glanced upwards to Balthazar with an exasperated sigh-however, then Lucius withdrew, startled, before falling and tumbling down the corridor. He stared on in horror as the man collided into the wall, chasing dumbly after him several steps before slowing when the Prince commented back. He stood there, mouth a grim line as he responded to the two. "We're about halfway down the stair to the cellar where I was being kept. There is a corridor there that a high noble who was aware of what all was going on fled through. How far or where exactly it leads, I know not-however, as [i]he[/i] took it, I am certain it leads to [i]some[/i] way out." The soft light and shadows danced over his face like fires, strange shadows seeming somehow unnatural playing about him, around him as he stepped down to the cellar's floor and began to walk in the direction of an archway lit in red, orange and yellow hues. He stopped near the entrance and looked back to Lucius, concern and on-edge impatience in his face. "Through here, specifically," Uriel said, sweeping a hand softly, open-handed and palm upturned to the passageway as a particularly bright flare burst somewhere in the tunnel to cast him in a strange play of fiery light and shadow. For a single moment, shapes of shadow painted the wall like wings, almost like an angel holding a flame-then flickered as though something writhed from within and somehow seemed sinister as the image faded for the dying fire, almost demonic. It happenened so fast, though, it could easily have been an illusion, even something from pain and exhaustion-induced deliria. "There's no more time. We're already going to have to find our way through there; come...!'