[hider=Shikio] [img]http://i.imgur.com/w3JpDAb.png[/img] [center][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/4bf5/f/2016/002/3/7/49__froze_the_fenrir_by_fu_reiji-d9mjo2x.png[/img][/center] [center][h3]"No I don't sniff other people's butts... *Pout* '"[/h3][/center] [b]Name: Shikio Wahlaal[/b] [b]Nicknames/Titles: "The beautiful yet fierce Queen of the Northern wind!" [/b] 'Self appointed' [b]Age: Totally legal age but don't get any ideas!... I bite, I promise.[/b] '18' [b]Gender: [I]Alpha[/i] Female[/b] [b]Race:[/b] Fenrir. 'kinda.... beast-[i]she[/i] if you'r picky' [b]Sexuality: "That's... a very... very sudden personal question!" [/b] 'Bisexual' [b]Year:[/b] 3 [b]Ranking Class: Familiar[/b] [b]Magic: Contritio: Ice Magic: By freezing the ground she can manipulate the ice into pointy sharp icicles that can be brought forth rapidly to impale things that's less durable than ice. She if used around her she can freeze the water molecules in the air to make it snow, possibly create blizzards and hail storms if boosted by either air magic or natural gushes of wind. [/b] [b]Strengths:[/b] Ice is cold and can chill opponents making them shudder and freeze. It's natural strength is in wet environments with cool temperatures. From the creating of a simple snow ball to the sharp ice pike icicles, Ice can take many forms. If it melts it become water again and can still be used quite well against fire. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] While being cold, slippery and hard while frozen. Freezing is not necessarily a quick progress, especially in hot and dry environments. To create ice in a desert would be next to impossible without implementing a source of liquids, and even while it may last for a while it will melt rather quickly making it difficult to use. Enough heat will turn ice into steam which can possibly be leathal for someone caught in it even for Shikio herself who have no special resistance towards being boiled alive. [b]Catalyst:[/b] Five magical talismans, one located on each wrist and ankle and one in the collar around her neck. [b]Inventory:[/b] Lots of snacks... yeah it helps her cast magic... because her belly's not empty. [b]Master:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3288187]Xiao Long Lin Hua.[/url] [b]Squad Name:[/b] blank [b]Pesonality:[/b] Well, Shikio is a Alpha female and won't let anyone tell her anything else. She's a proud girl who's easily pissed off if someone tries to belittle her for anything and mostly only holds respect for people who can school her big time. She have a hard time for sarcasm, hate people who lies... and while trying to be the best she can end up butting heads with people. Her beast side are often visible, and she sometimes depend more on her instincts than rational thoughts. If pushed she's quicker to bite than to bark. [b]Backstory:[/B] Born as a proud Fenrir, Shikio is a member of a northern clan that live in very cold Enviroments. Spending time with half beasts, wolves and her own Fenris family as she grew up she was most used to pack life before coming to Liseranna. She discovered her natural inherited magic at a young age as she howled with her father and created ice together with him. Her life took a turn from the wild life to the rather peaceful life as a familiar long ago, at first she didn't neccessarily understand what it meant to be a Familiar... A Boy she had met while wandering the woods far away from home offered her the chance to become one. At first she thought it might be bad, but none the less she was eventually tempted into accepting it. [/hider] ======== [hider=Joulie] [center][img]http://pre10.deviantart.net/8c17/th/pre/i/2011/080/4/4/valkyria__bow_to_my_will_by_missdaydreamer-d3c5qnx.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=gold]"If thy wish to know about me, thy should make sure to provide proper arrangments."[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Name: Joulie Valkyrie[/b] [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] Warmaiden, Battlemaiden, Goddes of Fate. Choser of the Slain. Angel, Valkyrie. [b]Age:[/b] ~1000 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Aesir [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight, mostly. [b]Year:[/b] N/A [b]Magic:[/b] Neutura:[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMmsRQ-NehY]Nibelung Valesti[/url]: Purify wicked soul. By calling upon divine wrath Joulie can unleash holy elements and weapons upon her foes. In addition she can summon divine weapons to assist fearsome combo attacks such as freezing, piercing, burning and smiting her foes. Each valkyrie have their own way to purify wicked. Especially effective against Undead,Demons,and other creatures of darkness and wickedness. Pythones: Einherjar Materilization: By collecting the souls of the slain Joulie can summon them to her side if needed for as long as she keep them within herself. A summoned Einherjar regain all the abilities they had in life but cannot stray nor live away from the valkyries presence. Unless sent to the afterlife an Einherjar stay with their Valkyrie. Neutra: Object Materilization: Joulie an create inmate objects such a weapons and equipment out of the either to assist in battle or equip to her einherjar. Usually requiring that one item is 'dematerilized' into Ether and reconstructed, create potions and other dvine things. Neutra: Divine listening: Concentrating fully, Joulie can hear the inner thoughts of people who are about to die, this is an ability made to assist her in her chosing of the slain. [b]Strengths/Weaknesses:[/b] Joulie's magic abilities are well balanced as well as her combat skills. Her most destructive magic is very powerful in both destrutive force and its ability to control a foe. Her Nibelung Valestic is her most powerful attack which are only used to its full extent against impure or wicked souls unless its a last resort move. While able to summon Einherjar's she can only ask them to combat for her if that's what she wishes, she cannot control their free will and if someone is disloyal to her she they can turn against her. A newly summoned Einherjar may be heavily disoriented and thus to simply summon them for the sake of doing so is not beneficial in any way, and the most apporiate way is to do so before any events to allow them to get used to it. To Materialize objects for any other purpose than her Soul purge require concentration and the time to do so. Thus those she summon in battle does not last long. She can only hear the thoughts of people about to die, and not listen to anyone she want. [b]Catalyst:[/b] Does not need one. [b]Inventory:[/b] Sword and Armor. [b]Master:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3288896]Arthur Wick[/url] [b]Squad Name:[/b] [b]Pesonality:[/b] Very sarcastic, she frown upon almost everything while replying in the most amusing way she can think off. Joulie hates kids above everything, can't stand kids... Want to cook, fry... Bake and serve all kids to giant trolls beneath bridges...yeah, she doesn't really like them at all. She believes mostly that the age of gods and deties might be over, but she intend on keeping watch on the world to see where it will turn. She does in general dislike annoying people and like those that give her hope that the world won't in fact be destroyed. [b]Backstory:[/B] Born in Asgard from the soul of a warmaiden about an millennium ago. She does not recall much of her previous life other than the skills she learned and of the wisdom she once possessed. In Valhalla she studied under the other valkyries and journeyed back and forth between Asgard and Midgard to learn about the worlds. In the beginning of her time she was much like an apprentice or Squire, performing lesser duties while following a full fledged Valkyrie around until she could earn her own wings. Once she had started earning her wings her duties increased, and many chances for her to prove her skills in combat arrived both on Asgard and in Midgard where she both in duel and practice fought agianst both Aesir and Einherjar in contests of skill. Over the course of many years she eventually would earn her own wings and could both see the world of Midgar and participate in events as she pleased. Over the course of hundreds of years she tried the life as a Lover to heroes or as a dughter of royalty. Yet could only at a few times find the drive that once had turned her into a warmaiden of old. And when she was not meddling in the human world she attended her duties as a Valkyrie, to choose the warriors that would go to Valhalla and those that would go elsewhere. Eventually the war against christendom would come, and many things would be thrown into turmoil. Wars of deties and mortals across the world once more would shape the world into what it would become today and Joulie participated in many of them along with both Aesir and Einherjar. Yet it was a loosing battle, and Pagans would eventually be mostly extinguished and their place in history would mostly fade away except for tales of old. In its place rose other religions such as Christendom, and for Deities such as Joulie the most they could do was to fall back to their lair to lick their wounds in defeat. After it was over Joulie among many others would take to observe the world of mortals and let them settle their differences without their intervention. And in return Joulie would shake her head at the many wars that occured because of religion and other reasons, the first and second world war in more recent ages, and the invetions of super weapons that perhaps would surpass magic. Nowdays people who see Joulie take her for an Angel and she dosen't in general bother to correct them as doing so only prove to lead to more trouble. [/hider]