Jackson continued to walk along buildings, steadily regretting his decision to come at all. He pretty much did away with checking the place out beyond looking at the various ledges and stopping the moment he heard a noise. He almost shot a mouse in that mannor. [i]I can shoot mice?[/i] He had problems shooting at a demon blob trying to pass itself as a human a couple months ago. Why the hell did he come in the first place? [i]Why the hell not?[/i] Hunters were paranoid bastards. Jackson noted the irony of being a hunter - "demon hunter", but nobody really knew the difference - that survived decades at the job with such a low key view on things. [i]Perhaps hunters would not be such miserable asses if they just lived a little...[/i] Although that still wasn't a good excuse to come at a letter that ultimately just said "bait bait bait bait bait" for a couple paragraphs. He stopped as lights went on in a building two warehouse doors down. He continued to stand there as the doors opened, holding his pistol out and waiting for the noises of the hunks of metal to end. He sighed and put his pistol in a coat pocket, his hand still tightly holding the butt of the pistol. He put in his hand on the other side to hold... a flask. [i]Holy water, right? I did take out the regular water?[/i] He considered shifting into a less conspicuous form; something that would catch demons at least off guard for an odd two seconds. [i]Ah, to hell with it.[/i] He didn't feel like going through that level of effort at the moment when whatever was in there would do its thing no matter what. [i]I could always turn around.[/i] [i]Ok.[/i] Steeling himself, he walked along at a very casual pace with his hands appearing to rest in his pockets, and turned the corner to walk into the warehouse and see... a man by a small fire in the middle of the rather big warehouse. [i]That's not all bad.[/i] He stood there in the middle of the opening, aware of his exposed position inviting eyes and ambush, and tried to give a smile ended up coming out halfway and far from convincing. "I heard there was a meeting here tonight?" He kept his fingers on the pistol and on the flask of something and hoped his attempts at shooting barrels the past few months as practice wouldn't need to be tested.