Celina smiled as they arrived and were given a room. It was that easy? Well... she was scared that they would not accept them in the guild, but then again, they probably were going to ask for help or such. She though about it before looking at Devin. "That would work, but we probably gonna need to work and help around to be able to stay here. I guess we could make a team here and work." she says softly. This was going to be strange, being a pokemon helping others like this. Although, she probably won't play any video games here. This was going to be hard for her, but maybe she will find other things that are fun to do. She looked at Devin. "That could work. And this will be different then where I came from... I kinda.... well.... uhm.... " she says, before remembering. If he knew where she came from... then maybe he would be really suspicious about her. She looked down. "I ended up at the beach after my ship broke... lucky I survived." she lied. She sighed. "I come from a land far away." she says. That could work. She looks around the room. "Well... I think we should go see what we can do and help for maybe. Not sure about right now though. Maybe tomorrow or later?" she then says. She looked at Trevor and smiled softly at him.