Essa jumped down and shook out her body, her ears perking up and a soft woof escaping her muzzle before she focused upwards. Rayne hissed softly and blinked her eyes open, swallowing and moving gingerly, she manages to slide out of her seat. When she lands on her feet however, she has to grab for the arms that are held out towards her, her stomach protesting all the while. "Inside." She manages to grit out, Essa whines and rubs her side against Rayne's, her finger twitch slightly at her side. A sudden frigid gust of air as Rayne stiffening and Essa moving towards the front door. Rayne doesn't want to move anymore, but staying outside with dripping temperatures with the condition she was in wasn't an option. She steels herself and squeezes one of the boys arms, she won't be able to do this without his help. [@SomeoneSomewere]