[@Hawlin] [color=6ecff6]"Well it is clear you have a talent..."[/color] She said in all honesty, smiling slightly. She took the booklet in her hands and took a closer look, but didn't pull it from Kaite's grasp. The way he had depicted the monstrous sea creature impressed Virtue a lot. There was something bone-chilling about the existance of a living creature that huge. Especially with the comparison of the tiny humanoid he'd drawn right next to it. [color=6ecff6]"You should write a story for this. It is a powerful tale in imagery as it is, but who knows what else might spawn from your mind?"[/color] She let go of the booklet and straightened her back, looking down on him. [color=6ecff6]"Don't let it distract you though, we are here with a purpose."[/color] She seemed a lot more serious once she had said that. The smile on her face had vanished, and she herself realised that the chit chat had to come to an end. They were nearing shore, and she had to gather her equipment. She nodded at Kaite, but then left him to his own. Not long before the ship came to shore Virtue submerged from the lower quarters and onto the deck, fully armed, a small but heavy backpack on her back and a large quarterstaff in her hands, leaning on it as she waited for the ship to moor. Her large typical coat fluttered in the wind, and she'd provided herself with the addition of a large and deep hood. It seemed she had tucked her long manes into her own clothing to prevent them from impeding her movement. It was suprising how little her copious amount of equipment did to hide the fact that she was rather frail for a warrior. Her confidence did something to counteract this, and most people would still be intimidated by her length, but a true practicioned warrior would know better. Thankfully she had a few tricks up her sleeve that would make anyone think twice about underestimating her. [@Zamokra41], [@Conflagration] They had docked, the gangplank was out. Nobody was doing anything. For a moment she looked towards Reynald, who seemed to be reciting some kind of ritual hymn of whatever faith he adhered to. She couldn't make out if he was fearful or suspicious, but he definitely didn't seem intent on taking the initiative. For a moment she looked towards Reinham, who wasn't undertaking any action either. She peered at him for a moment, leaning heavily on her staff, trying to estimate what he had in mind... Then she straightened her back and steadfastly headed towards the gangplank. [color=6ecff6]"What are we waiting for?"[/color] She announced to the others as she headed down to the docks and into town. Her quarterstaff made a clicking noise every time she placed it on the ground. As she neared the woman that was waiting for them at the docks, she slowed her pace until she came to a standstill right in front of the other woman. Without flinching, without changing her stance, almost like a statue, she stood in front of her, looking down.[color=6ecff6] "Greetings." [/color]She said, and then paused for a moment, making no effort to extend her hand or perform any other gesture of greeting. Not even a nod. [color=6ecff6]"Based upon the arms you bear and the position you so comfortably take I assume you are an authority here in Osen. If you have a superior, we, the Witch Hunters of the mainland, demand to be taken to them. If you do not, we must inquire you upon any information you have on the status of Aldergard and Osen." [/color]She then waited [color=6ecff6][/color]ing her coat to flutter, it's leather audibly beating. It was cleary that she would not tolerate disobedience.