[@Wraithblade6] Bug sees the fire, but he does not move....Fear, paralyzing him. Memories.....of them...... However, the fire strikes something else first, the explosion going off far to soon. Once the fire and smoke dissapates, standing atop the newly thawed ground, a sharply dressed man, with long, black hair, red eyes, and a wicked grin. "Now now now, how said you all could have a party...without me?" Ozzy asks, looking at Mithias, and Bug. Bug freezes slightly, before growling. "Ozzy, this isn't your f-" "Can it, freaky eyes. I'm stepping in, before you get hurt..." Ozzy says, sighing. He then looks at Mithias. "...You disgust me, and that's an achievement...." He growls, as in his hand, he summons a sword.