[center][b][color=9e0b0f]Eric Belmont:Casino[/color][/b][/center] Eric was trying to be cool when everyone else was on a murderous rampage. Well they are meant to be leaving an impression Pann reminded Eric as the common people ran for the back exit. Eric was gong to stop them until a rain of bullets came from what must have been the VIP section. [color=9e0b0f]"Darn it!"[/color] Eric shouted at bullets flew by. Throwing himself to the ground, Eric managed to get behind a row of slot machines without a scratch. Allowing himself a sigh of relief the man sitting next to Eric said, [color=0054a6]"That was a close one eh?"[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"Yeah that it was."[/color] Eric replied. The two men suddenly realized who they were sitting next to and turned their heads to face one another. Eric looked into the black glasses of the casino guard. Just kill him Pann urged Eric but it wasn't something Eric really enjoyed doing, only killing people when he had to. The guard reached for a nearby stool leg and swung it as Eric, who took it to the shoulder while trying to dodge. Now you have to, Pann stated in Eric's mind. Without much choice Eric tackled the man, both of them hitting the ground. Eric then began to punch the man in the face, until the guard threw Eric off of him. The two men took the moment to reach for their ranged weapons, but Eric was faster. The man fell over, the queen of hearts planted firmly in his skull. Allowing himself another sigh Eric looked down to see a deck of playing card. [color=9e0b0f]"Score."[/color] He said to himself as he picked it up. Then looking over the casino Eric saw that the thuggish member of the group had placed himself behind a heavy looking metal table and was trying to lift it. Sounds like he shouted something but with all the gunfire Eric was somewhat hard of hearing. Pann however was kind enough to point out that the Thug was likely going to use it like a shield, and that Eric could stand behind it. Of course, they had to run through some gunfire first. Bracing himself Eric charged through the hail of bullets, throwing a few cards at the VIP section as a sort of return fire. Eric doubted any of them hit as he slid into position behind the makeshift barricade. However Eric wasn't very skilled at sliding and was just a little short, having to inch himself the last foot, giving the guards a chance to clip him with a bullet across the back. "Aggh... so, what's the plan?" Eric asked as he picked himself up just high enough to chuck a card into the horde of goons in the VIP section, making one of them fall over.