[quote=@BlackSam3091] [CENTER][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/YSfTeCl.jpg?1[/IMG] [i]"If experience has taught me anything, it's that this is going to get a whole lot worse before it even starts to get any better."[/i][/CENTER] [h3][colour=darkslategray][B]| NAME(S): |[/B][/colour][/h3] [INDENT]​Jon Turner. It's not his real name, merely the latest of his many pseudonyms[/INDENT] [h3][colour=darkslategray][B]| NICKNAME(S): |[/B][/colour][/h3] [INDENT]He's gone by a lot of different names over the centuries, mostly by necessity, and while he's been fond of some of them he's unlikely to share them with anyone now. Leave the past in the past, that's Jon's motto, even if he struggles to live by it.​[/INDENT] [h3][colour=darkslategray][B]| D.O.B.: |[/B][/colour][/h3] [INDENT]03/15/1820[/INDENT] [h3][colour=darkslategray][B]| AGE: |[/B][/colour][/h3] [INDENT]195[/INDENT] [h3][colour=darkslategray][B]| SEX: |[/B][/colour][/h3] [INDENT]Male​[/INDENT] [/quote] Fucking Yes, Oh my God finally! Yaaas bitch yas! He's more fantastic than I imagined.