Name: Rosemund Lunete Lebelle Age: 20 Gender: Female Role in Kingdom: Royal servant Appearance: Stands at 5'4, with curly red hair wrestled into a bun, blue eyes and a freckly face. Her hands have callouses from handling strong cleaning fluids and doing other rough jobs. Scars here and there from various minor work accidents. Personality: Calm, quiet, and slow to anger, although short and blunt in conversation. Never shows when she is annoyed, scared, angry or sad, instead opting to do her duties as best she can. Has been known occasionally to be a slight smartass or mumble things under her breath. When she can get away with it, if she is dealing with annoying royalty, she has a tendency of being really patronizing. Hard-working. Bio: Having been raised by her mother, who was a servant and a prostitute (her father could be anyone- she's a bastard child), Rosemund learned the servant side of things. Thankfully, her mother didn't want her to do the [i]other[/i]thing. As a result she has a wide range of domestic skills, including cleaning the soot out of chimneys, scrubbing out chamberpots (yippie), cooking for extended periods of time without passing out of heatstroke, and others. She secretly dabbles in horseback riding and ye olde fight clubs, but no one would think it from looking at her.